Faculty Learning and Development
SOD, SOM, SON and SOP School Faculty Councils


2025 Chancellor's Fund is open for accepting applications


Award Minimum/Maximum: Limits vary by school and by whether an individual or group is apply for the award. Please check the guidelines for your School below.

Total Amount in Fund: $130,000 ($20,000 to SOD, $50,000 to SON, $20,000 to SOP and $40,000 to SOM)

The SOM Dean’s Office is providing an additional $50,000 in funding for the SOM. Your application must answer the following 7 questions. The School of Medicine and School of Nursing have forms you should use.

  1. For what activity do you seek support?
  2. If you will be absent from the University for this activity, please confirm that you’ve arranged with your Division/Department Chair to provide coverage while you’re absent?
  3. What are the costs for which you seek support? (registration, accommodation, and coach travel is covered)
  4. What other sources of support are available for this activity?
  5. What are your plans should you not be supported, or supported fully, to participate in this activity?
  6. Please state briefly what you hope to accomplish by participating in this activity. Please relate this to your short/long-term professional goals.
  7. Please state briefly how your participation in this activity will benefit either faculty in your School or the campus as a whole?

Select a School

SOD Faculty Learning and Development

The UCSF School of Dentistry Faculty Learning and Development funding opportunity is designed to enhance the capacity of SOD faculty to achieve the academic, clinical, and community goals of the School. Faculty members are encouraged to apply as part of a team (with a designated lead person) or may apply as individuals. The SOD Faculty Council reviews and selects applications for funding.

Amount: $1000 to $10,000 (larger awards will be considered with proper justification)

Total Amount in Fund: The School of Dentistry will receive $20,000 from the Chancellors Fund.

Key Dates:
Proposal Due Date: April 1, 2025
Applicants Notified of Decision: June 1, 2025

Please note that all funds must be used 12 months from receipt of funds.

Faculty in any series, at any percent time effort, are eligible to apply; individuals in the Specialist and Professional Research series are not eligible. Faculty can submit multiple proposals but only one per lead applicant will be chosen for funding. The fund cannot be used to reimburse you for professional development activities that have already occurred.

Applications are requested to support faculty development. Potential activities include, but are not limited to, courses to improve teaching or to develop new professional skills; leadership development programs; academic and research training courses; and external professional consultations

Proposals should include the following information:

  1. For what activity/project do you/your team seek support?
  2. If you will be absent from the University for this activity, please confirm that you’ve arranged with your Division/Department Chair to provide coverage while you’re absent?
  3. What are the costs for which you seek support? A detailed budget plus a timeline for expenditure of funds should be included. There are no restrictions on the matching funding (i.e., can support effort, consultants, development work, registration/travel etc.) however the Chancellors funds must follow UCSF guidance (e.g., no food, no effort). The council will seek to ensure maximum support and flexibility within these parameters.
  4. What other sources of support are available for this activity? Please provide assurance that other funds are not available for this effort.
  5. What are your plans should you not be supported, or supported fully, to participate in this activity
  6. Please state briefly what you hope to accomplish? Please relate this to your short/long-term professional goals.
  7. Please state briefly how your participation in this activity will benefit either faculty in your School or the campus as a whole?

Deadline and Review period
Proposals will be reviewed during the Spring meeting of the Faculty Council. Applications must be received by April 1, 2025.

Application Process:

  1. Applicants should submit the proposal as a PDF via the Senate Service Portal. If you are able, please combine your application and any supporting materials into a single PDF file.
  2. Please include your name in your application. The Senate system renames the files when they are uploaded, so including your name in the file name is not sufficient. Council members may print your application, or it may be reviewed as part of a combined PDF. Applications with names will be favored over those without names.
  3. Submit questions to the SODFC Academic Senate Analyst alison.cleaver@ucsf.edu
  4. Members of the SOD Faculty Council will evaluate all proposals.

Contact: Alison Cleaver

SOM Faculty Learning and Development

Amount: Up to $3,000 for individuals and $10,000 for groups.

Total Amount in Fund: $90,000 ($40,000 from the Senate and $50,000 from the Dean’s Office)

Key Dates:
Proposal Due Date: April 1, 2025, 11:59PM. No exceptions will be made.
Applicants Notified of Decision: May 2025

2025 SOM Faculty Learning and Development Fund: The Faculty Learning and Development Fund is intended to provide School of Medicine faculty financial support to participate in a broad range of professional development activities. These include, but are not limited to, courses to improve teaching or to develop new professional skills; leadership development programs; academic and research training courses; and external professional consultations. Requests for funding for courses and similar activities are preferred over conferences and are more likely to be funded by the Faculty Council. The Council’s scoring sheet and rubric are available here, and the Council is preparing a summary of past awards to help faculty understand what types of proposals are likely to be funded. That summary will be posted here when it is complete.


  1. Only School of Medicine Faculty in the Assistant and Associate ranks are eligible. This is a change from previous years. The change is intended to eliminate applications from Full Professors who were likely to have their applications denied because of the preference for early career faculty. Being an early-career faculty member is now required.
  2. Awards are limited to $3,000 for individuals and $10,000 for groups.
  3. Applicants may only receive one full or partial grant every 3 years.  
  4. Applicants must provide a description of how the activity will benefit their career as well as how it may benefit other faculty, either in the SOM or UCSF generally.
  5. Applicants must provide information about their department’s funding for learning and development activities. Please see the application form.
  6. Funding is for professional development activities that will occur between May 1, 2025 and April 30, 2026. The fund cannot be used to reimburse you for professional development activities that have already occurred.
  7. Awardees must submit a 1-page report of their activities and their impact within three months of completing the funded activity.

Application Process:

  1. Use the provided application form.
  2. Submit applications as PDF files via the Senate Service Portal. If you are able, please combine your application and any supporting materials into a single PDF file.
  3. Please include your name in your application. The Senate system renames the files when they are uploaded, so including your name in the file name is not sufficient. Council members may print your application, or it may be reviewed as part of a combined PDF. Applications with names will be favored over those without names.
  4. Submit questions to the SOMFC Academic Senate Analyst kristie.tappan@ucsf.edu.

Contact: Kristie Tappan

SON Faculty Learning and Development

Request for Proposals
2025 School of Nursing Faculty Learning and Development Fund

Proposal Due Date: April 1, 2025

The Faculty Learning and Development (L&D) Fund is intended to provide all School of Nursing faculty members with the opportunity to participate in a broad range of development activities. These include, but are not limited to, formal training courses to improve teaching or to develop new professional skills; leadership development programs; academic and training courses; leadership programs; conferences; and external professional development consultation.


  • Faculty members of all series and ranks and time effort percentage are eligible.
  • There is no limit to proposal amount.
  • Group proposals are encouraged.
  • The proposed learning and development activity should not have existing funding.
  • If a proposal is seeking support for a previously funded activity, applicants must detail how the activity was funded in the past and explain the rationale for the additional support funding or why the prior funding is no longer available. If a proposal seeks to partially fund an activity, the need for the partial funding must  be made clear with supporting documentation.
  • L&D funding cannot be used to support an educational degree.
  • Faculty members who received a full or partial Learning & Development Grant during the previous academic year are welcome to apply. However, preference will be given to faculty members who have not recently received funding from this resource.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Applicants must submit their application in one single PDF file to the Senate Service portal.
  2. The submission file should contain:
    1. SON Learning & Development Grant Application Form
    2. Itemized budget
    3. Supporting material (e.g., draft travel itinerary, conference acceptance, agenda, course description/ syllabus)

Evaluation Criteria
Each proposal will be independently reviewed and scored by two members of the Nursing Faculty Council. The scores from the two members will be averaged. All proposals will then be ranked by score.

  • All required fields in the PDF application form must be completed.
  • The application clearly documents the rationale for the given activity and its relationship to the faculty members development or learning goals.
  • Preference will be given to proposals that benefit the School of Nursing and/or as many faculty members as possible.

Please click here to access the online submission portal

Contact: Kirstin McRae

SOP Faculty Learning and Development

Amount: $2000 to $10,000 (larger awards will be considered with proper justification)

Total Amount in Fund: The School of Pharmacy will receive $20,000 from the Chancellors Fund.

Key Dates:
Proposal Due Date: April 1, 2025. No exceptions will be made.


Faculty in any series, at any percent time effort, are eligible to apply; individuals in the Specialist and Professional Research series are not eligible. Faculty can submit multiple proposals but only one will be chosen for funding.


Applications are requested to support faculty development. The Council is particularly interested in proposals for activities focused on the development and implementation of the new curriculum. Activities that can benefit groups of faculty and that involve faculty across all departments are strongly encouraged.

Proposals should be no more than one page and include the following information:

  • Description of the project
  • Faculty involved
  • Perceived need
  • Expected outcomes
  • Assurance that other funds are not available for this effort

In addition to the one page proposal, a detailed budget plus a timeline for expenditure of funds should be included. Please note that all funds must be used 12 months from receipt of funds.
Deadline and Review period

Proposals will be reviewed during the Spring meeting of the Faculty Council. Applications must be received by the Friday before the meeting. Click here for meeting dates.

Application Process:
Applicants should submit a PDF with their request including what the request is for, the amount requested, a brief paragraph explanation about how funding of this request will enhance that faculty member’s knowledge and skills, and supporting documentation. The members of the respective faculty council will evaluate all proposals. Send proposal in a single PDF to Alison Cleaver.

Contact: Alison Cleaver

All awardees of the funds will be required to provide a summary of their experience and notes on the usefulness of the conference, course, or activity they participated in using the funds. Please click here for access to the online application.

  • Additional Information
  • 1. Financial Plan – Budget Overview (2024-2025)
  • 2. Highlights of Chancellor's Funds Awards.
  • 3. Frequently Asked Questions
  • Notice
  • Funding, submission rules, eligibility criteria, and other requirements are subject to change for each Chancellor's Fund cycle.
  • Be sure to review the website after every “Call for Applications” is launched to learn the updates and prepare your application accordingly.