Appendix II Regulations & Procedures of the Graduate Council


I. Admission Requirements

II. Registration

  1. Study Lists
  2. Leave of Absence/Withdrawal
  3. Readmission
  4. Part-Time Study
  5. Academic Residence
  6. Filing Fee

III. Courses

  1. Classification
  2. Grading

IV. Standards of Scholarship

V. Committees for Higher Degrees

VI. Requirements for the Master's Degree

  1. Plan I or Plan II
  2. Residence
  3. Advancement to Candidacy
  4. Committees for the Master's degree
  5. Transfer of credit
  6. Medical Student's Option

VII. Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree

  1. Residence
  2. Foreign Language requirement
  3. Qualifying Examination
  4. Advancement to Candidacy
  5. Dissertation

VIII. Student Academic Petitions and Grievances

IX. Posthumous Degree Policy

X. Governance of Graduate Groups


I. Admission Requirements
  1. To be admitted to graduate standing, applicants must:
    1. hold a bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, from an accredited institution;
    2. be evaluated and accepted for admission by the faculty of a graduate program and the Dean of the Graduate Division.
  2. Applicants from non-English speaking countries must, in addition, demonstrate proficiency in English. For example, by obtaining the minimum score set by the Graduate Council on the test of English as a Foreign Language or an equivalent exam, or by completing one year of study with a GPA of 3.00 in a college or university in the United States.


II. Registration
  1. Graduate students must register and meet the requirements for registration as set forth in ASR 540-544.
    1. Each student must file a study list with the Registrar by the published deadline each quarter.
    2. Graduate students whose research or study requires them to be out of the state of California throughout the quarter may apply to register in absentia. Students who register in absentia pay reduced student services fee and tuition and full student government and health fees (unless exempted by waiver).
  2. A student who does not register must petition for leave of absence or withdrawal, or be subject to administrative withdrawal or dismissal.
  3. A student returning to registered status after a leave of absence must petition for readmission.
  4. A student who is unable to pursue full-time graduate study for reasons of occupation, family responsibilities, or health may petition for classification as a part-time student. However, doctoral students in candidacy may not be classified part-time.
    1. Classification as a part-time student is subject to approval by the graduate adviser and the Dean of the Graduate Division.
    2. Part-time status is granted for a period of one academic year subject to renewal each year prior to Fall Quarter.
    3. Part-time students are limited to a total of six units on the study list each quarter.
  5. Every graduate student must register for and complete at least four units of course work for a specified number of quarters in order to meet the requirements for academic residence. The academic residence requirement for the Master's degree is three quarters; for a doctoral degree, six quarters. (see VI B, VII A,VIII A, IX A)
  6. A student who has completed all requirements for the degree, with the exception of filing the dissertation or thesis or taking the comprehensive examination, may apply for filing fee status in lieu of registration in accordance with University policies on filing fee. A student may only have one quarter in filing fee status.
  7. After receiving orders to enter a period of covered service as defined in Public Law 117-328 § 3691A, active military service members may drop affected courses or take a leave of absence.


III. Courses
  1. Courses are classified according to the Regulations of the Academic Senate, San Francisco Division.
    1. Courses in the 200 series are normally reserved for students registered in graduate status.
    2. Courses in the 100 series may be accepted for credit toward a graduate degree if approved by the graduate adviser.
    3. Courses in the 300 series refer to work in teaching methods or practice and may be accepted toward a graduate degree.
    4. Courses in the 400 series may not be accepted toward a graduate degree.
  2. Instructors are required to assign specific grades for all graduate students and must file course reports with the Registrar at the end of each quarter.
    1. Grading
      1. Letter grades are reported as follows:
        1. A = excellent
        2. B = good
        3. C = fair
        4. D = barely passing
        5. F = failure
        6. I = incomplete
        7. IP = In progress1
      2. Pass-fail grades are reported as follows: S, satisfactory or U, unsatisfactory. The grade S shall be awarded only for work that would otherwise receive a grade of B or better; the grade U is assigned whenever a grade of C, D, or F would otherwise be given.
      3. Grade points per unit are as follows:
        1. A = 4
        2. B = 3
        3. C = 2
        4. D = 1
        5. F = 0
        6. I = undetermined
    2. The following courses are graded only S/U: 220,221,250,298,299, and 300. (215 Lab Rotation may be approved as an exception.) In other 200 series courses, S/U grading may be offered as an option for graduate students.
    3. A maximum of six units of course work for which S/U grading is elected may be used toward the unit requirements for a graduate degree.
    4. A course in which a student receives a grade of D or F cannot count as part of the unit requirement for a graduate degree, but is calculated in the total grade point average.
    5. Courses graded S are counted toward satisfaction of the unit requirement but are not calculated in the grade point average.
    6. The grade I is assigned when a student's work is of passing quality but incomplete for good cause. An incomplete grade must be removed within one calendar year. The deadline will be tolled during an approved leave of absence. If the incomplete grade is not removed, the grade of U or F will be assigned. If a student in good standing withdraws from the program, and does not complete the requirements within one calendar year, the incomplete grade will remain on the student’s record.
      1. After receiving orders to enter a period of covered service, active military service members who take a leave of absence and elect not to drop courses will receive an incomplete grade for affected courses.

1 For courses extending more than one quarter


IV. Standards of Scholarship
  1. Graduate students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (B) in their programs of graduate study and must make satisfactory progress toward the degree as defined by the faculty of the degree program.
  2. Students who fail to maintain a 3.00 grade point average or fail to make satisfactory progress toward the degree are subject to dismissal by the Dean of the Graduate Division after consultation with the faculty of the degree program.
  3. Each graduate program must establish a mechanism for reviewing student progress toward the degree. Any deficiency or failure to meet standards should be discussed with the student and confirmed in writing. The Graduate Program is required to conduct a written annual review of each graduate student.


V. Committees for Higher Degrees
  1. Committees appointed to supervise the research and writing of the thesis or dissertation, or to conduct the doctoral qualifying examination or comprehensive examination for the master's degree, are composed of members of the San Francisco Division of the Academic Senate and non-members of the San Francisco Academic Senate with approval of the respective Program Directors and with notification of the Dean of the Graduate Division.


VI. Requirements for the Master's Degree
  1. Students may earn a master's degree under one of two plans.
    1. Plan I.
      1. Thirty units and a thesis are required.
      2. A minimum of twelve units must be taken in graduate (200 series) courses in the major subject. Of these, no more than eight units numbered 250 may be applied toward the degree.
      3. The thesis constitutes the results of an original investigation of a problem. It should be carried out in the same systematic and scholarly way as investigations of greater magnitude, such as a doctoral dissertation. No unit credit is given for the thesis.
    2. Plan II.
      1. Thirty-six units and a comprehensive examination in the major subject are required.
      2. A minimum of eighteen units must be taken in graduate (200 series) courses in the major subject. Of these, no more than twelve units numbered 250 may be applied toward the degree.
      3. The comprehensive examination should demonstrate the student's mastery of the major field and ability to think critically. The nature and matter of the examination are determined by the faculty of the degree program.
        1. A student who fails the comprehensive examination is allowed to take a second examination after a suitable period of additional preparation.
        2. A student who fails a second comprehensive examination is no longer eligible to receive the Master's degree.
  2. Three quarters of academic residence are required for the Master's degree.
  3. Advancement to candidacy must take place not later than the first day of the last quarter during which the student will be registered.
    1. At least one quarter in registered student status must elapse between advancement to candidacy and conferral of the degree
    2. Candidacy for the Master's degree lapses if a student has not completed requirements for the degree within five quarters after advancement to candidacy.
  4. Committees appointed to supervise the research and writing of the thesis, or to conduct the comprehensive exam must have at least three members.
  5. Up to six quarter units of credit for work taken elsewhere may be applied towards a master’s degree. For course work completed at another campus of the University of California, up to one-half of the program (15 to 18 units) may be accepted for transfer. Otherwise, all course work for the Master's degree must be done in residence.
    1. A student must be registered as a graduate student for at least one quarter before petitioning for transfer of credit.
    2. Units accepted for transfer must have been earned in graduate status.
    3. Students enrolled in an articulated BS-MS program may transfer up to six units of 200 series course work taken during the quarter immediately prior to graduate standing for credit toward the master's degree.
    4. Work that formed part of the program for a degree previously conferred may not be applied toward a current degree program.
    5. Courses taken in a university extension division may not be accepted for transfer.
  6. [Am 4 February 2010]
  7. Students who hold a bachelor’s degree and who are pursuing the D.D.S. degree in the UCSF School of Dentistry may earn a Master of Science degree in Oral and Craniofacial Sciences under the following conditions:
    1. The candidate’s primary registration must be as a graduate student for three quarters.
    2. Besides the work for the D.D.S., 30 units of graduate courses must be completed in addition to the thesis.
    3. Dentistry students who wish to pursue the Master’s degree must gain admission to the Oral and Craniofacial Sciences program.
  8. A program may adopt a policy to allow students in candidacy for the Ph.D. who have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. except the dissertation and who have met the requirements in section in VI.A to earn a Master’s degree.


VII. Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree
  1. Six quarters in residence are required for the Ph.D. degree. A student must register for a minimum of three quarters after advancing to candidacy, as part of the six quarter residency requirement.
  2. Foreign Language Requirement
    1. Departments and Graduate Groups may establish a language requirement at their discretion.
    2. In a program where there is a foreign language requirement, it must be satisfied prior to advancement to candidacy.
  3. Qualifying Examination
    1. The purpose of the qualifying examination is to demonstrate that the student has an adequate knowledge of the field and the specialty, knows how to use academic resources, and is capable of conducting independent research for a dissertation.
      1. To be eligible for examination, a student must have completed at least one quarter in residence and must have a grade point average of 3.00 or above in all courses taken in graduate standing.
      2. The examination may be oral or written, or both, and may be given in several parts or in one session, at the discretion of the committee.
      3. Students must be registered at the time the examination is given. If the exam is to be taken in summer session, registration is not required but the student must have been registered in the previous Spring quarter.
    2. A committee of four faculty is nominated by the student and approved by the student’s advisor. The Dean of the Graduate Division must be notified of the topic and the committee members.
      1. At least one member of the committee must be from outside the student's major department or graduate program.
      2. A student's primary dissertation advisor may not serve as chair of the qualifying examination committee. At the program’s discretion, a student's primary dissertation advisor may also be excluded from serving as chair of the dissertation committee. A graduate program may set additional criteria for membership of qualifying examination and dissertation committees.
    3. At least one meeting of the whole committee must be held to discuss the results before a report is made to the Dean of the Graduate Division.
    4. If a student fails the examination, the committee must make a recommendation for or against a second examination.
      1. The committee must be the same as for the original examination.
      2. When the examination is a failure in all areas, the re-examination must be on all subjects involved.
      3. A partial failure, in which a student passes some parts but not others, will also count as a first examination. Re-examination after partial failure may be restricted to those areas in which the original performance was unsatisfactory.
      4. A third examination is not permitted.
  4. Advancement to Candidacy
    1. A student may be admitted to candidacy after successful completion of the qualifying examination, provided that there are no other deficiencies, such as incomplete grades.
    2. An application for candidacy, indicating the subject of investigation for the dissertation and the proposed committee to guide the research and pass on the merits of the dissertation, must be filed with the Dean of the Graduate Division.
    3. At least three quarters in registered student status must elapse between advancement to candidacy and conferral of the degree.
    4. Candidacy for the doctoral degree lapses if a student has not completed requirements for the degree within four years after advancement to candidacy; i.e., 12 quarters, excluding summers.
    5. Upon lapse of candidacy, a petition for reinstatement must be accompanied by a recommendation from the faculty of the student's degree program on whether a new qualifying examination is required.
  5. Dissertation
    1. The dissertation is a work of independent research or scholarship that makes an original contribution to knowledge in an academic discipline. It demonstrates the candidate's mastery of research methods and ability to pursue an independent investigation, and should be of sufficient depth and quantity to be published.
    2. A committee of at least three members of the faculty is nominated by the student and approved by the student’s advisor. The Dean of the Graduate Division must be notified of the topic and the committee members.
    3. The committee oversees the student’s research and approves the dissertation.
    4. The committee may conduct a final oral examination that deals with the validity of the dissertation research.
    5. One copy of the dissertation must be submitted to the Graduate Division by the last day of the quarter in which the degree is conferred.


VIII. Student Academic Petitions and Grievances
  1. Students may petition the Dean of the Graduate Division for individual exceptions to academic regulations.
    1. If a petition is denied by the Dean, the student has the right to request further consideration by the Administrative Committee of the Graduate Council.
    2. The Dean of the Graduate Division may refer a student petition to the Administrative Committee at his/her discretion.
  2. Resolution of student grievances in academic matters shall be in accordance with the Bylaws of the San Francisco Division of the Academic Senate, Appendix VII – Divisional Procedure for Student Grievance in Academic Affairs.


IX. Posthumous Degree Policy

In rare cases, the Graduate Division will find itself with the prospect of awarding a posthumous degree. The awarding of such degrees will adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. A formal request for a posthumous Ph.D. or Master’s degree should be initiated by a family member, a faculty member, a dean, or a fellow student. If the request is not made by a family member, the family should be contacted and found to be receptive to the possible award.
    If, in the opinion of the student’s advisor, the dissertation is more than 50% complete, the Graduate Dean may elect to approve a posthumous PhD degree. If a doctoral student dies before all the degree requirements are met and the dissertation submitted, a posthumous master’s degree would be appropriate.
    If a master’s student successfully completes one year of coursework and/or passes a qualifying examination, the Graduate Dean may elect to award a posthumous master’s degree.
  2. Degrees awarded posthumously should be noted in the Commencement program, and a member of the deceased student’s family will be permitted to participate in the exercises. The student’s diploma should be released or mailed to the person legally authorized to manage the deceased student’s affairs. The posthumous nature of the award will be indicated on the diploma and on the student’s official transcript.


X. Governance of Graduate Groups [En 21 Jun 21]
  1. Authority to define criteria for faculty membership in the various graduate groups is delegated to the executive committees of these graduate groups, including criteria for inclusion, exclusion, and removal, unless otherwise specified. Further, authority is also delegated to graduate group executive committees to propose and administer bylaws governing faculty participation and conduct.
  2. All graduate groups must operate under a set of bylaws that has been reviewed and approved by Graduate Council. For new graduate groups, a set of draft bylaws must be provided to Graduate Council with the graduate group proposal, and approval of the graduate group will be contingent on approval of the bylaws. For existing graduate groups, a draft set of bylaws must be submitted to the Graduate Council within six (6) months of the approval of this appendix (X.B) to Appendix II Regulations & Procedures of the Graduate Council. To expedite the development, revision, and review of bylaws, a sub-committee of the Graduate Council (the Bylaws Subcommittee) will review and forward bylaws to Graduate Council for approval.


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