Appendix IV Bylaws, Regulations, and Procedures of the School of Medicine
Bylaws of the Faculty of the School of Medicine
Section I. General Provisions
1. Functions
- The Faculty of the School of Medicine shall govern and supervise the School in accordance with San Francisco Division Bylaw 95.
- The officers and committees of the Faculty shall take appropriate steps to inform the entire teaching staff about the affairs of the School. They shall encourage expression by the entire teaching staff of their views on matters of policy affecting the School.
2. Membership and Voting Privileges
- When the Faculty is functioning as a Committee of the Division of the Academic Senate, Faculty in the Ladder Rank, In Residence, Clinical X, Health Sciences Clinical, and Adjunct series may vote on Division matters and serve as Division leaders. When required by the Academic Senate’s systemwide membership restrictions, only Faculty in the Ladder Rank, In Residence, and Clinical X series may vote and serve. (Am. 7/23)
- All members of the teaching staff of the School, including those holding titles in the Adjunct (Am. 6/93), Clinical, Lecturer, and Research series, may attend meetings of the Faculty, may make and second motions, and may have the privilege of the floor for discussion.
- When acting as a Committee of the Faculty, the Committee’s membership shall include all full-time faculty members of the School of Medicine. All members may have privilege of the floor and may participate on any voting actions pertaining to the school.
3. Officers
- The Chair and Vice Chair of the Council of the Faculty are Chair and Vice Chair of the Faculty.
- Duties of Officers
- The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty and of the Council of the Faculty. The Chair shall serve as liaison officer of the Faculty to the Dean.
- The Vice Chair shall preside in the absence of the Chair at meetings of the Faculty and of the Council of the Faculty.
- Duties of the Executive Office
The Executive Office of the San Francisco Division provides professional, analytical, and administrative support; guidance; coordination; communication; and assistance (Division Bylaw 25). Its duties shall include:- Maintaining proper records
- Sending advance notice (call) for meetings and presentation to the faculty, in advance of any meetings, of adequate information regarding matters to be considered.
- Minutes of each Faculty Meeting
- Conducting all elections
- Keeping a valid roster of voting members of the Faculty
4. Meetings
- Frequency - The Faculty shall meet at least once during each Fall, Winter, and Spring academic term and at the call of either of its officers, the Dean, the Faculty Council, or upon written request of ten members of the Faculty.
- Quorum - Twenty members of the Faculty constitute a quorum.
- Order of Business - The order and conduct of business of Faculty meetings shall be guided by the provisions of the Bylaws of the San Francisco division, Chapter IV, Sections I, II, and III.
- General Conferences - The Dean or the Chair of the Faculty may call conferences of the entire teaching staff to discuss matters of general concern. Legislation shall not be adopted at such conferences.
Section II. Committees
1. Council of the Faculty
- Members. The Council of the Faculty shall have ten elected members, six ex officio members, and one representative member. (Am. 9/91, 4/92, 6/93, 7/13 & 7/23)
- Elected: Representing the broad interests and activities of the School of Medicine, the Faculty shall elect six members from the Ladder Rank, In Residence and Clinical X series, and four members from the Health Science Clinical and Adjunct series. No more than two members from one department and its divisions may serve simultaneously, unless the members are from the Department of Medicine. For the Department of Medicine, no more than two members in the same division may serve simultaneously and no more than four members from the Department of Medicine in total may serve simultaneously. (Am. 9/91, 4/92 7/13 & 7/23)
- Ex Officio - The ex officio members shall be: The Dean, the Vice Dean for Education, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, the Chair of the Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy, and the immediate past Chair of the Faculty Council if the immediate past Chair wishes to continue. Ex officio members may designate someone to regularly attend and vote at Council meetings on their behalf. If an ex officio member and their designee both attend a Council meeting, only the ex officio member may vote and be counted toward a quorum. A designee may vote on behalf of as many people as they are representing. (Am. 7/23)
- Representative – The Council shall include one representative from the UCSF Fresno Campus
- Terms of Office
- The elected members are each to have a three-year term, staggered such that three or four members of the Council shall be elected every year.
- The representative shall serve a three-year term.
- No elected member may serve more than two consecutive elected terms.
- If an elected member is elected to serve as the Council’s Chair or Vice Chair and if the member’s three-year term is ending, the member’s term is automatically extended so the member may serve as Chair or Vice Chair. (Am. 7/23)
- Nominations and Elections
- Procedures for nominating and electing the Council of the Faculty shall be guided by those described in the Division Manual, Ch. V, Bylaw 65.
- UCSF Fresno Representative – The faculty at the Fresno campus shall have the right to nominate and elect a representative.
- Officers - The Council of the Faculty shall select from its elected members a Chair and a Vice Chair, subject to confirmation by the Faculty.
- Replacements - If an elected member is unable to serve for four months or longer, the Council of the Faculty shall appoint a replacement member from the appropriate constituency to serve during that period subject to confirmation by the Faculty. (Am. 9/91 & 4/92)
- Meetings - The Council of the Faculty shall meet at least once in each academic term. Meetings may be called by the Chair, the Dean, or any three members of the Council of the Faculty.
- Quorum - A quorum shall consist of any five elected members provided that one of the officers or the Dean is present.
- Duties and Powers
- In accordance with Division Bylaw 95, the Council of the Faculty shall have authority to act for the Faculty, or to delegate to the Dean authority to act, in the following matters:
- in approving petitions of students to graduate under suspension of the Regulations;
- in approving the awarding of degrees, certificates and honors at graduation;
- in exercising its jurisdiction over scholastically disqualified students;
- in dismissing students for causes other than scholastic disqualification.
All actions carried out under these provisions shall be reported to the Faculty at least once annually.
- The Council of the Faculty may act for the Faculty with respect to any subject delegated to it by the Faculty and may advise the Dean upon request.
- The Council of the Faculty shall approve all appointments of the Standing Committees of the Faculty established by these Bylaws. New Standing Committees of the Faculty shall be authorized by vote of the Faculty. Special committees of the faculty may be authorized by the Council of the Faculty or by the Faculty. Such special committees shall be appointed by the Council of the Faculty.
- The Council of the Faculty may establish and maintain liaison with the Faculties of the other Schools of the Division and of other Divisions of the Senate.
- The Council of the Faculty shall report to the Faculty at least once each Fall, Winter, and Spring academic term.
- In accordance with Division Bylaw 95, the Council of the Faculty shall have authority to act for the Faculty, or to delegate to the Dean authority to act, in the following matters:
2. Standing Committees
- Committee on Curriculum and Educational Policy
- Functions
- The committee shall provide oversight for the continuum of medical education at the UCSF school of medicine. This includes direct oversight and accountability for undergraduate medical education. Graduate medical education (GME) and continuing medical education (CME) shall participate in the CCEP as described below and report to CCEP for informational purposes.
- The committee shall establish educational policy, plan future directions for educational programs and environments, evaluate educational programs, and promote educational innovations and scholarship.
- The chair of the committee shall work closely with the Vice Dean for Education to direct the continuum of medical education.
- Membership and Voting Privileges
- Members will be appointed by the Vice Dean for Education and confirmed by the School of Medicine Council of the Faculty.
- Members will include
- Sufficient number of at-large faculty members such that the total number of at-large faculty members, GME trainees, and medical students exceeds the number of ex officio voting members. At-large members will be chosen to provide, so far as possible, liaison with the basic science departments, the clinical departments, and the affiliated teaching hospitals. [Am. 9/91].
- Two student representatives from the MD curriculum.
- Two graduate medical education trainees.
- The following shall serve as voting ex officio members:
- Vice Dean for Education.
- Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation, Associate Dean for Curriculum, Associate Dean for Students, Associate Dean for Admissions, Associate Dean for GME, Associate Dean for Regional Campuses, and Associate Dean for Medical Education.
- Directors of all Medical Degree parallel track programs, regional campus programs and Director of the Academy of Medical Educators (AME).
- The following will be permanent guests:
- Dean of the School of Medicine.
- GME Director of Education and Assessment, and GME Director, Well-Being.
- Director of Program Evaluation and Education, Continuous Quality Improvement.
- CCEP members eligible for the position of Chair of CCEP include any non-Dean’s staff members of CCEP who have completed one term on CCEP. The Chair will be appointed by the Vice Dean for Education and confirmed by the Council of the Faculty. The Chair will serve two years as Chair and one year as immediate past chair.
- Terms
- At large (non ex officio) faculty members shall be appointed for a term of three years, renewable once and staggered such that no more than half of the at large members rotate off at once. Members may be removed if they have repeated absences from meetings or fail to carry out appointed responsibilities.
- Student and Resident members shall be appointed for a two-year, non-renewable term.
- Reporting Relationship
- The CCEP reports jointly to the Vice Dean for Education for the School of Medicine for strategic visioning and to the Council of the Faculty for curricular oversight and educational policy changes.
- The CCEP Chair is an ex-officio member of the Council of the Faculty and is expected to attend all meetings of the Council of the Faculty.
- Functions
- Committee on Admissions
- Functions
- The Committee on Admissions shall review and evaluate all applicants to the School of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education program, leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD).
- The Committee on Admissions is responsible for and has the sole authority to evaluate candidates and select matriculants to the School of Medicine.
- Membership (Am. 7/23)
- The Committee on Admissions membership will include faculty and students of the UCSF School of Medicine.
- The Associate Dean for Admissions will appoint members, subject to review and approval from the School of Medicine Council of Faculty (the Faculty Council) as described below.
- The Committee on Admissions will consist of two groups: the Admissions Interview Committee (AIC) and the Admissions Review Committee or ARC. Candidates for readmission are considered by a separate readmission committee.
- Interviewers: Interviewers will conduct candidate interviews and prepare reports for the Admissions Review Committee. Medical students and school of medicine faculty participate in the AIC. There is no limit to the number of people who can serve as Interviewers, and there is no term limit for service as an Interviewer. The Associate Dean for Admissions shall appoint Interviewers. The Faculty Council may request a list of Interviewers or request a report summarizing who is serving as an Interviewer once every other academic year. The report may seek information such as the breakdown of membership by students and faculty, faculty members’ rank, series, and department, and total years served.
- Admissions Review Committee: Admissions decisions will be made by the Admissions Review Committee (ARC).
- Size: Approximately 25 faculty members will serve as members of the ARC. Students are eligible to serve but are not expected to. The ARC shall have at least 15 members and no more than 35 members.
- Membership: The Associate Dean for Admissions shall appoint members to the ARC, subject to biennial approval by the Faculty Council. In even numbered years, the Associate Dean for Admissions shall provide the Faculty Council with a list of new and renewing members that includes their terms by May 1 whose service will begin on July 1 during the approval year. Those members shall be automatically approved on July 1 unless the Faculty Council acts. If the Faculty Council acts, it must complete any alternate appointments by July 1. If there is a need to appoint members prior to the biennial approval time, the Associate Dean for Admissions may appoint members effective immediately to serve and must submit the information for review to the Faculty Council within 60 days of appointment. Such service does count toward a term, and the Faculty Council could approve any such interim members for a full term as part of their review. The Associate Dean for Admissions will be the Chair of the ARC and be a voting member.
- Terms: Faculty members shall be appointed for a four-year term, renewable once and subject to approval from the Faculty Council upon renewal. Faculty members may restart the limit on service if they are not members of the ARC for two years. If there is a need for an ARC member to continue service, the Associate Dean for Admissions may petition the Faculty Council to waive the requirement that a member pause service. Student members, if any, shall have a one-year term, renewable until their graduation without further approval from the Faculty Council. Students must be in good academic standing to serve on the Committee. These term limits shall begin in Academic Year 2023-2024.
- Alternate List Subcommittee: Each year, the ARC will delegate authority to three of its faculty members to make decisions on candidates designated by the ARC as alternates for admission. The Associate Dean for Admissions will chair this Alternate List Subcommittee and will serve as an additional voting member. In the event of a tie, the Associate Dean will make the decision with the composition of the entire class in mind.
- Procedures
- The Associate Dean for Admissions will coordinate all aspects of the admissions process and will serve as the Chair of the Admissions Review Committee and the Alternate List Subcommittee.
- The Associate Dean for Admissions is responsible for orienting members and for establishing operational policies that ensure that the admissions process and the Committee on Admissions conducts its work in a manner consistent with California law, with UC and UCSF policy, and in accordance with requirements from relevant external accreditation and regulatory bodies.
- Final admission decisions will be made by vote by members of the Admissions Review Committee, or in the case of the alternate list, by the Alternate List Subcommittee. Admissions Review Committee voting will be conducted either by subcommittee or by the entire committee based on Admissions Review Committee procedures. For the Alternate List Subcommittee, all four voting members must vote. A simple majority is required for a decision to be made. Meetings can be conducted in person, by phone, or virtually. Voting can occur during a meeting, or votes can be collected outside of a meeting, consistent with Admissions Committee procedures.
- Functions
- Committee on Academic Progress for the School of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education Programs
- Functions
- The Committee on Academic Progress is charged with assessment of the performance of all students at the completion of any phase of the curriculum and no less frequently than annually.
- For each student, the Committee on Academic Progress will make one of the following recommendations to the Dean or Designee.
- Promotion to the next phase of the curriculum.
- Promotion to the next phase of the curriculum with conditions (such as remediation), with or without an academic notice status (see Section VII D, below, of these bylaws).
- Graduation from the School of Medicine.
- Formal repetition of one or more parts of the curriculum on an academic notice status.
- Referral to the Committee on Academic Standards.
- Membership
- The Committee on Academic Progress is comprised of all School of Medicine Coursework Directors.
- The Committee on Academic Progress will be chaired by the Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation. In the event that the Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation is absent, a designated associate dean may stand in.
- Process
- The Committee on Academic Progress will use consent agendas to advance, promote, or graduate students who meet all criteria for academic promotion without conditions (such as remediation), or graduation. Students not meeting criteria for promotion without conditions or graduation will be reviewed by the committee.
- Deliberation on the decision to refer a student to the Committee on Academic Standards requires a quorum of 51% of Coursework Directors in the relevant phase operations committee of the curriculum for a student under consideration. Decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of the quorum.
- Alternatively, in exigent circumstances between meetings of the Committee of Academic Progress, an ad hoc subcommittee of the relevant phase operations committee with at least 3 of its coursework directors and chaired by the Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation or designated Associate Dean may meet to vote on referring a student to the Committee on Academic Standards. Decisions will be made by a simple majority vote.
- Functions
- Committee on Academic Standards
- Functions
- The Committee on Academic Standards is the School of Medicine committee charged with the in-depth review of the performance of a student who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- The student does not meet standards for promotion to the next phase of the curriculum.
- The student meets the criteria for dismissal or disqualification.
- The student has or is alleged to have violated University policies or campus standards of conduct, as described in the University of California 100.00 Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline.
- A student may be referred to the Committee on Academic Standards by the Committee on Academic Progress or its ad hoc subcommittee as per C.3.c above.
- In exigent circumstances, a School of Medicine associate dean with designated authority for student assessment or curricular oversight may refer a student directly to the Committee on Academic Standards.
- The Committee on Academic Standards is the School of Medicine committee charged with the in-depth review of the performance of a student who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Membership
- There will be seven at-large faculty members on the Committee on Academic Standards.
- Members will be appointed by the Vice Dean for Education and confirmed by the School of Medicine Council of Faculty.
- Members will serve an eight-year term, renewable once, contingent on satisfactory annual performance as judged by the Committee Chair.
- A Committee Chair will be appointed by the Vice Dean for Education and confirmed by a vote of the Committee on Academic Standards. The Chair will serve in the role for a term of three years, renewable twice.
- The Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation will serve as a non-voting member.
- It is the responsibility of the Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation to orient the Committee members to their roles and responsibilities.
- The Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation will prepare materials for the committee and communicate the logistics of the committee process to the student.
- In the event that the Associate Dean for Assessment, Improvement, and Accreditation is unavailable, the Associate Dean for Curriculum may assume this role.
- The Associate Dean for Students will attend all deliberations of the Committee on Academic Standards as a permanent guest.
- There will be seven at-large faculty members on the Committee on Academic Standards.
- Process
- The process of the Committee on Academic Standards is described in the UCSF Academic Senate Bylaws Appendix VII: 4.0 Step 2: In-Depth Review and Dismissal Action.
- Appeal
- A student for whom the Committee on Academic Standards has recommended dismissal is entitled to appeal the decision in accordance with the UCSF Academic Senate Bylaws Appendix VII: 5.0 Appeal.
- Functions
Section III. Modification of Bylaws
1. Except for Bylaw Section 1.2.A., these Bylaws may be modified at any meeting of the Faculty in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Division Bylaw 35.
Regulations of the Faculty of the School of Medicine, UCSF
- Coursework: Course, clerkship or any unit of educational experience that leads to the awarding of a grade and/or credit. Coursework also encompasses educational experiences while on Programmatic Leave of Absence (VIII. A.1.a.i)
- Curriculum Phase: A distinct set of related coursework that is followed by a major transition to a new set of coursework or to graduation.
- Designated associate dean(s): One or more associate deans in medical student education who have been designated by the Vice Dean for Education as having authority to issue, oversee, and adjudicate issues of grades, credit, and remediation.
- Physicianship Evaluation Form: A performance evaluation documenting student behavior that does not sufficiently demonstrate the professionalism necessary for a physician.
- Graduate Professional: Curriculum leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine
- Admission to Regular Status: To be admitted to the School of Medicine, an applicant must:
- Meet School of Medicine admission requirements and the requirements of any unique program to which the candidate is applying.
- Meet the Technical Standards of the School of Medicine, with or without institutionally approved accommodations.
- Be evaluated and recommended for acceptance in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Committee on Admissions.
- Admission to Advanced Standing
- The School of Medicine does not admit students to advanced standing.
- Admission to Regular Status: To be admitted to the School of Medicine, an applicant must:
- Postgraduate Professional (Graduate Medical Education, GME)
- To be admitted to a GME education program, an applicant must be evaluated and recommended for acceptance by the appropriate GME review committee.
- Students must register and meet the requirements for registration as defined in the Academic Senate Regulations 540-546.
- Students who fail to register may be subject to discontinuation. (see Section VIII.B.2).
- Degree of Doctor of Medicine
- Students will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine when they have satisfactorily completed all required coursework and have been judged by the Committee on Academic Progress to have met or exceeded all graduation requirements.
- Students must be registered in the quarter in which they graduate. (AM 4/90)
- The Vice Dean for Education in the School of Medicine has the authority to review and approve requests for posthumous awarding of the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
- Certificate of Completion of Postgraduate Medical Study
- A candidate who has satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements of a UCSF graduate medical education program that is recognized by the Office of Graduate Medical Education is eligible for a certificate of completion of postgraduate medical study.
- The Chair or designee of the appropriate Department will recommend eligible candidates for a certificate of completion, based on documentation that the candidate has satisfactorily met the program requirements.
- The certificate will be affixed by a seal and signed by the Dean of the School of Medicine or designee.
- Graduate Professional: Courses designed primarily for graduate professional students are identified by the numbers 100-199 in accordance with School of Medicine convention.
- Graduate Academic: Courses designed primarily for graduate academic students are identified by numbers 200-299 in accordance with Graduate Division convention.
- Post Graduate Professional: Courses designed primarily for postgraduate medical study are identified by numbers 400-499.
- The Associate Dean for Curriculum will establish which coursework may be taken for credit towards completion of the degree and what amount of credit will be granted for satisfactory completion of each element of coursework, in alignment with the University of California Regulations of the Academic Senate SR 760.
- Directors of approved coursework will establish and publish the criteria for grades and will assign a grade for each student at the conclusion of the educational experience.
- The Office of the Registrar will maintain a record of each student’s course completion, grade, and credit.
- The work of all professional students who are candidates for the MD degree shall be reported using the grades and descriptors defined in the Regulations of the San Francisco Division: SFR 785.
- Physicianship Evaluation Forms
- Coursework Directors may issue a Physicianship Evaluation Form for a student who fails to meet the professionalism standards of the coursework.
- Designated associate dean(s) may issue a Physicianship Evaluation Form for a student who exhibits unprofessional behavior outside of regular coursework, including while on a programmatic leave of absence from UCSF.
- Repetition of Course or Curriculum
- A designated associate dean may allow or require a student to repeat coursework, a term or a year if a student is eligible to continue in the curriculum.
- Time to Graduation
- The School of Medicine will publish its requirements for the maximum time to graduation, which may be amended periodically.
- A student whose pace of progress in the MD curriculum precludes the completion of all required coursework for the degree of Doctor of Medicine within the maximum time to graduation designated by UCSF School of Medicine policy is subject to dismissal from medical school.
- Technical Standards
- The School of Medicine will publish its Technical Standards, which will be revised when indicated and may be amended from time to time.
- Medical students must meet Technical Standards at all times with or without institutionally approved accommodations.
- Matriculants to the School of Medicine will be required to affirm their ability to meet the Technical Standards.
- A student seeking accommodations for protected disabilities must register with the responsible UCSF Office to seek institutionally approved accommodations.
- Accommodations for protected disabilities must be sought in advance of the educational activities for which the accommodations are relevant.
- Failure to seek or to use institutionally approved accommodations will not be accepted as sufficient grounds to circumvent adverse action.
- A student who is unable to meet Technical Standards may be subject to adverse actions, including dismissal, disqualification or discontinuance from medical school.
- Student Conduct During Performance Assessments
- Faculty or designees who are responsible for student performance assessment must inform the student prior to the assessment what materials are necessary, what may be in the student’s possession or vicinity during the assessment, and what student conduct is required while undergoing the assessment.
- Access to all other materials or information that may act as an unauthorized aid during the assessment is expressly prohibited.
- Violation of this rule or other substantive evidence of academic misconduct related to performance assessment shall subject the student to academic disqualification, in accordance with the University of California 100.00 Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline.
- Student Academic Standing
- There are three categories of student academic standing:
- Good Academic Standing
- A student is considered to be in good academic standing if eligible to return to or continue in the curriculum.
- Good Academic Standing on Academic Notice
- A student whose performance is described in one of the following ways is on Academic Notice:
- A student has earned E or F grade(s) in coursework totaling six or more credit units in any quarter.
- A student has earned E or F grade(s) in coursework totaling 10 or more credit units in 3 consecutive quarters.
- A student has received a Physicianship Evaluation Form that has been determined by the Physicianship subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Standards to warrant referral to the Committee on Academic Standards.
- Students on Academic Notice are eligible to continue in the curriculum and are considered to be in good academic standing.
- The status of Academic Notice will remain in effect until removed by definitive action of the Committee on Academic Progress, under the following circumstances:
- A student on academic notice resulting from E or F grades who successfully repeats all educational experiences in which a grade of E or F was received and who then earns P or H grades in all coursework in a subsequent quarter of school.
- A student on academic notice resulting from excessive Physicianship Evaluation Form(s) who completes a subsequent three-quarters of enrollment without additional Physicianship Evaluation Forms.
- A student whose performance is described in one of the following ways is on Academic Notice:
- Not in Good Academic Standing, Eligible for Dismissal
- Under the following circumstances, a student on Academic Notice is eligible for dismissal:
- A student on academic notice for coursework grades receives an E or F grade.
- The Physicianship subcommittee of the Committee on Academic Progress determines the professionalism lapse is 1) severe 2) places future harm to patients, families, colleagues, and/or the institution, and/or 3) demonstrates a lack of progress in achieving professionalism expectations following a coaching and improvement plan.
- A student who is eligible for dismissal is not in good academic standing and is precluded from participating in direct patient care activities and in extramural electives.
- Under the following circumstances, a student on Academic Notice is eligible for dismissal:
- Good Academic Standing
- There are three categories of student academic standing:
- Temporary Separation of Students from the School of Medicine: Leaves of Absence
- Voluntary Leaves of Absence: a temporary separation of a student from the School of Medicine, with the expectation that the student will return to the School of Medicine within an assigned timeframe, subject to the approval of a designated UME Associate Dean.
- Voluntary Leaves of Absence may be granted in accordance with School of Medicine policies under the following circumstances:
- Programmatic Leaves of Absence may be granted to allow students to participate in educational experiences at UCSF or other institutions or to appropriately time their graduation.
- Personal Leaves of Absence may be granted if a student requests time off for personal issues.
- Voluntary Leaves of Absence may be granted in accordance with School of Medicine policies under the following circumstances:
- Involuntary Leaves of Absence: An involuntary leave of absence is a separation of a student from the School of Medicine for reasons related to performance, with the expectation that a student will return to School of Medicine within an assigned timeframe having addressed performance issues.
- Mandated Leaves of Absence
- The Committee on Academic Standards may mandate a leave of absence for a student whose academic progress is unsatisfactory, as described in the UCSF Academic Senate Bylaws Appendix VII: 4.0 Step 2: In-Depth Review and Dismissal Action.
- In exigent circumstances, a designated associate dean may mandate a leave of absence for a student whose academic progress is unsatisfactory.
- Administrative Leave of Absence
- The Dean or designee may place a student on Administrative Leave of Absence if a student has engaged in or is alleged to have engaged in behavior that is dangerous or deleterious to the educational, research, clinical, or community environment.
- Mandated Leaves of Absence
- Return to the School of Medicine Following a Leave of Absence.
- The School of Medicine may require that a student on a leave of absence meet specific criteria to reenter the curriculum. The Committee on Academic Standards or a designated associate dean may identify these criteria. Such criteria may include but are not limited to:
- The requirement that a licensed professional attest that the student is able to meet the UCSF Technical Standards.
- The requirement for the student to meet specific academic readiness criteria.
- Failure to meet required criteria may result in discontinuation without notice.
- Regardless of the nature of the leave, all students must return from one or more leaves of absence in time to meet the School of Medicine time to graduation requirements.
- The School of Medicine may require that a student on a leave of absence meet specific criteria to reenter the curriculum. The Committee on Academic Standards or a designated associate dean may identify these criteria. Such criteria may include but are not limited to:
- Voluntary Leaves of Absence: a temporary separation of a student from the School of Medicine, with the expectation that the student will return to the School of Medicine within an assigned timeframe, subject to the approval of a designated UME Associate Dean.
- Permanent Separation of Student from the School of Medicine
- Professional Disqualification is an administrative action that permanently separates a student from the School of Medicine in accordance with the University of California 100.00 Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline.
- Disqualification may result when the student is found to have manifested:
- Non-academic misconduct, including but not limited to sexual misconduct, or manifest or threatened violence against any individual.
- Egregious breach of professional privileges including but not limited to improper advantage of professional relationships with patient or others.
- Negligence in carrying out professional responsibilities.
- Egregious disrespect of or harm to the reputation of the UCSF.
- Felony conviction.
- Prior to disqualification, the student is entitled to procedural minima of due process, in accordance with the University of California 100.00 Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline.
- At the discretion of the Dean or designee, students may be placed on administrative leave of absence during the due process proceedings.
- Disqualification decisions are not subject to appeal beyond that afforded by university policy.
- Students who are disqualified are not eligible for readmission to the School of Medicine.
- Disqualification may result when the student is found to have manifested:
- Discontinuance is an administrative action taken by the School of Medicine that permanently separates the student from the school.
- Discontinuance is used for administrative circumstances in which the student fails to complete administrative requirements for registration, enrollment, matriculation, or course completion.
- Discontinuance will result when a student:
- Fails to register for any required term within one calendar month of its beginning date.
- Fails to report to the School of Medicine after a leave of absence.
- Fails to meet criteria for readmission and registration following a leave of absence.
- Withdraws from the School of Medicine without notice.
- Discontinuance decisions are not eligible for appeal.
- Students subject to discontinuance are eligible to apply for readmission in accordance to School of Medicine readmission policy.
- Dismissal is an academic action taken by the School of Medicine that permanently separates the student from the School of Medicine.
- Dismissal may occur for any of the following reasons:
- Student receives a non-passing grade while on academic notice.
- Student meets criteria for dismissal due to a pattern of unprofessional behavior as evidenced by Physicianship Evaluation Form(s).
- Student is unable to meet the Technical Standards of the School of Medicine with or without institutionally approved accommodations.
- Failure to seek or to use institutionally approved accommodations will not be accepted as sufficient grounds for circumventing this adverse academic action.
- Student’s pace of progress in the MD curriculum precludes the completion of all required coursework for the degree of Doctor of Medicine within the maximum time to graduation designated by UCSF School of Medicine policy.
- Students are entitled to appeal a dismissal decision in accordance with the UCSF Academic Senate Bylaws Appendix VII Section 5.0 Appeal.
- Students dismissed from the School of Medicine are not eligible for readmission.
- Dismissal may occur for any of the following reasons:
- Withdrawal is a voluntary action taken by a student that results in permanent separation from the School of Medicine.
- Students may request a Withdrawal in Good Academic Standing if they would otherwise be eligible to continue in the curriculum.
- Students who withdraw in good academic standing are eligible to apply for readmission in accordance to School of Medicine readmission policy.
- Students who are eligible for dismissal may only request a Withdrawal Not in Good Academic Standing.
- Students who withdraw Not in Good Academic Standing are ineligible for readmission.
- Withdrawal decisions are voluntary and thus are not eligible for appeal.
- Students may request a Withdrawal in Good Academic Standing if they would otherwise be eligible to continue in the curriculum.
- Professional Disqualification is an administrative action that permanently separates a student from the School of Medicine in accordance with the University of California 100.00 Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline.
- All permanent separations of students from the School of Medicine are required by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to be reported to the AAMC Student Records System.