45th Annual Faculty Research Lecture in Basic Science
Awarded to Jay A. Levy, MD
The Academic Senate is pleased to announce the selection of Jay A. Levy, MD as the recipient of the 45th Annual Faculty Research Lecture Award.
Each year this distinction proudly acknowledges the outstanding scientific achievements made by a member of the Academic Senate. Academic Senate members are asked to consider the contributions of their colleagues so that their achievements may be recognized by the University community.
Date/Location: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 2:00 pm in Cole Hall

Dr. Levy has been a member of the UCSF faculty since 1970 and holds an appointment as a Professor in the Department of Medicine. He is also Director of the Laboratory for Tumor and AIDS Virus Research.
Dr. Levy is an influential scientist whose pre-eminence is widely recognized domestically and internationally. He is the author of over 270 papers in scholarly journals and books and has made seminal and pioneering contributions in the fields of virology and immunology. He is best known for his independent co-discovery and isolation of the AIDS virus, and recent work has contributed to an understanding of anti-HIV immune responses. It is a great privilege for the Academic Senate to have the opportunity to honor his achievements with this prestigious award.
The 45th Faculty Research Lecture will be held during Founder’s Week on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. in Cole Hall. The lecture is open to the campus community and the general public.
Jay A Levy Website: The Levy Lab