Voting Rights Vote to Expand Senate Membership

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Memorials to the UC Regents: Expanding Faculty Senate Membership


Led by UCSF Division Chair Steve Hetts, MD, the UCSF Academic Senate has proposed two Memorials to the UC Regents to expand voting rights to faculty in the Health Sciences (HS) Clinical and Adjunct series to the systemwide Academic Senate.  Per systemwide Academic Senate Bylaw 90, the voting materials for each Memorial will include 1) the Proposed Memorial; 2) an Explanation of Provisions of the Memorial; 3) an Argument in Favor of the Memorial; 4) a Rebuttal to the Argument in Favor of the Memorial; 5) an Argument Against the Memorial; and 6) a Rebuttal to the Argument Against the Memorial. 

The respective Memorial packets can be accessed via the following links:

See below for more information, including arguments for and against expanding voting rights, the Memorials process, how to vote, and ways you can help advocate for this proposed change.

How It Works

As a first step, UCSF faculty will vote on issuing two separate Memorials to the Regents that will amend the University of California Board of Regents Standing Order 105.1.a to include one or both of these series in Academic Senate:

1. Health Sciences (HS) Clinical Faculty appointed at more than 50% time. Read the full Memorial to the Regents, including arguments for and against this proposed change. 
2. Adjunct Faculty appointed at more than 50% time. Read the full Memorial to the Regents, including arguments for and against this proposed change.

Steve Hetts

UCSF Academic Senate Chair Steve Hetts, MD
Chair, UCSF Division of the Academic Senate
Professor In Residence of Radiology, Biomedical Imaging, and Neurological Surgery

" As a faculty member at UCSF, I've seen the profound impact that shared governance can have on our academic community. Since 2013 on our campus, faculty from all series (Ladder Rank, In Residence, Clinical X, Health Sciences Clinical, and Adjunct) have been able to vote on matters at the departmental, school, and campus levels. Unfortunately, Health Sciences Clinical and Adjunct faculty — important and rapidly growing groups — currently lack systemwide representation. Excluding them from Academic Senate not only denies them a voice in critical decisions but also hinders our collective ability to address the complex challenges we face. I hope you’ll join me in voting to ensure that all faculty, regardless of series, have the opportunity to participate in shared governance. Your vote is your voice”

Read my full Message from the Chair, in the first of two Special Voting Rights Editions of the Senate Check Up newsletter of the UCSF Academic Senate.

How to Vote

Vote Now

UCSF faculty will vote, November 4 through 18, on two separate requests the Board of Regents to amend Standing Order 105.1.a.

1. Look for an email on November 4th which will include a link to vote.
2. The voting period for UCSF faculty is November 4 through 18.
3. You will submit your vote on two proposed amendments:

Vote 1Vote 2

Give HS Clinical Faculty a right to vote and participate in Academic Senate

“Approve” Means:

Issue a Memorial to the Regents requesting amendment of Standing Order 105.1.a to add Health Sciences Clinical Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors appointed at more than 50% time to the Academic Senate

Read Arguments in Support and Arguments in Opposition, as well as Rebuttals in the full Memorial to the Regents.

Give Adjunct Faculty a right to vote and participate in Academic Senate

“Approve” Means:

Issue a Memorial to the Regents requesting amendment of Standing Order 105.1.a to add Adjunct Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors appointed at more than 50% time to the Academic Senate

Read Arguments in Support and Arguments in Opposition, as well as Rebuttals in the full Memorial to the Regents.

4. Per systemwide Academic Bylaw 90, if the UCSF Division of the Academic Senate approves the Memorials, Academic Senate faculty on campuses across the system will have three months to vote on the Memorials . In order to advance the Memorials to the systemwide level, at least three Senate Divisions, representing at least 35% of Senate faculty within UC must approve them.  Finally, and assuming the Memorials have passed this threshold, the systemwide Senate Parliamentarian will have 60 days to send a ballot to all voting member of the Senate. If the Memorials receive a majority of the valid ballots cast, the Memorials shall be sent by the Chair of the Academic Assembly to the UC President for submission to the UC Regents.

Stories of Impact

Why Does this Matter to Proponents?

Read Arguments in Support

Opponents Want to Maintain the Status Quo. Here’s Why.

Read Arguments in Opposition 


Please email Kristie Tappan to learn more.

Want to help advocate for this issue at other campuses?

Please email Nicole Williams or Kristie Tappan to learn more.