Appendix III Bylaws, Regulations, and Procedures of the School of Dentistry




Bylaws of the Faculty of the School of Dentistry


1.1 The Faculty of the School of Dentistry will govern and supervise the School in accordance with San Francisco Divisional Bylaw 95, Powers of the Faculties.

1.2 Delegation. The Faculty may delegate portions of its authority to its committees or its executive officers (Senate Bylaw 50).

1.3 Responsibility to Inform. The officers and committees of the Faculty will be responsible for keeping the entire Faculty of the school informed about the affairs of the School, and will encourage expression of views of the Faculty on matters of policy affecting the School.


2.1 Membership. The Faculty of the School of Dentistry consists of academic appointees who hold titles in the series of Ladder Rank, In Residence, Clinical X, Health Science Clinical, and Adjunct.

2.1.1 Should any additional titles be established in the Professor or Lecturer series, appointees holding the new title(s) will be members of the Faculty of the School of Dentistry.

2.2 Voting Privileges. The Faculty of the School of Dentistry, functioning as a committee of the Academic Senate (SF Bylaw 100), consists of the following persons:

  1. The President of the University;
  2. The Chancellor at University of California, San Francisco;
  3. The Dean of the School of Dentistry;
  4. All members of the Faculty of the School of Dentistry who are also members of the Academic Senate;

2.2.1 When the faculty of the School of Dentistry functions as a committee of the Academic Senate; or eligible faculty members (School of Dentistry Bylaw 2.2 a-d) may vote (SF Bylaw 100); all other member of the faculty have the privilege of the floor for discussion. In all other matters, all faculty have full voting privileges.


3.1 Chair. The Chair of the Faculty Council will serve as Chair of the Faculty.

3.1.1 Duties. The Chair will preside at all meetings of the Faculty and of the Faculty Council, and their role will be restricted to that of the Presiding Officer as described in the current edition of Sturgis’ The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. Questions of order not covered there will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. The immediate past Chair will serve up to an additional year to assist in transition and aid the new elected chair and vice-chair.

3.2 Vice Chair. The Vice Chair of the Faculty Council will serve as the Vice Chair of the Faculty.

3.2.1 Duties. The Vice Chair will preside in the absence of the Chair at meetings of the Faculty and of the Faculty Council.


4.1 The Executive Office of the San Francisco Division of the Academic Senate provides professional, analytical, and administrative support; guidance; coordination; communication; and assistance (Division Bylaw 25). Its duties shall include:

  1. Maintaining proper records;
  2. Sending advance notice (call) for meetings and presentations to the Faculty, including adequate information regarding matters to be considered;
  3. Maintaining minutes of Faculty and Faculty Council meeting;
  4. Conducting all elections;
  5. Keeping a valid roster of voting members of the Faculty.

5.1 Frequency. Meetings of the Faculty will be held at least once each half-year, based on the start of the Fall term. Other meetings may be held as necessary at the request of the Dean, or upon the written request of six members of the Faculty, or when called by any of its Officers.

5.2 Attendance. Attendance at Faculty meetings will be governed in accordance with San Francisco Divisional Bylaw 31.

5.3 Quorum. When functioning as a committee of the Academic Senate, fifteen members of the Ladder Rank, In Residence and Clinical X series constitute a quorum. When the Faculty addresses all other business, fifteen members, from any series, constitute a quorum.

5.4 Order of Business. Meetings of the Faculty will be guided by the provisions of the current edition of Sturgis’ The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. Questions of order not covered there will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.


6.1 Membership. The Faculty Council of the School of Dentistry consists of the following members:

6.1.1 Elected Members

  1. One Faculty member from each department of the School of Dentistry;
  2. Two Members At-Large from the series of Ladder Rank, In Residence, and Clinical X, with no more than two members from the same department;
  3. Four Members At-Large who hold appointments of 50% or more and who are from the series of Health Science Clinical and Adjunct;
  4. At least five of the nine elected Faculty Council members should be members from the series of Ladder Rank, In Residence and Clinical X.
  5. Elected members are determined by faculty series. Faculty in said series resident primarily at an affiliate location are eligible to serve as elected members.

6.1.2 Ex-Officio Members

Ex Officio members include the Dean of the School of Dentistry or a representative designated by the Dean in the Dean's absence. The Dean or Dean’s Office representative serve in a non-voting advisory role.

6.1.3 Pre-doctoral Student Representative. The President of the Associated Dental Students may attend all meetings of the Faculty Council as official representative of the students.

6.1.4 Post-graduate/Resident Representative. An individual will be determined by the PGR (Post-Graduate/Resident) trainees to represent their interests to the Council.

6.1.5 Other Representatives. Recognized organizations within the School may present their credentials to the Council, and send a representative who would be permitted to attend Council meetings and have the right of the floor for discussion of matters before the Council. Representatives of recognized organizations cannot vote. Such organizations should have a defined function or mission, defined categories of members and voting rights and a regular schedule of meetings with recorded official minutes. A non-voting member represents the mission in each of the three primary areas of clinical care, education, and research.

6.2 Voting Privileges. When the Faculty Council functions as a committee of the Academic Senate, only members of the Academic Senate may vote; all other members and representatives of the Faculty Council may have the privilege of the floor for all discussions. However, the vote of the entire Council will be recorded alongside the Academic Senate vote. In all other matters, all faculty members have full privileges to vote. Votes may be conducted electronically.

6.3 Nominations and Elections

6.3.1 Departmental and At-Large Representatives. Candidates for election as representatives to the Faculty Council must be nominated and seconded by their respective constituents. All nominees must sign the nomination form, indicating their willingness to serve their full term if elected. The Academic Senate Executive Office will call for and verify the nominations, and will prepare, mail, collect, verify, and count the ballots. Departmental and At-Large members will be chosen at annual elections to replace members whose term is expiring. Members can be re-elected to ensure continuity of Faculty Council membership. Results of annual elections will be reported promptly to the Faculty.

6.3.2 Terms of Office. All elected members of the Faculty Council will serve three-year terms that take effect as of September 1. Elected officers may serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms.

6.3.3 Vacancies. Vacancies in elected terms will be filled by vote of the Faculty Council if the unexpired term is less than one year. If the unexpired term is more than one year, the place will be filled by a special election.

6.3.4 Attendance. All elected members of Faculty Council are expected to attend meetings. Four or more unexcused absences in one three-year term may result in replacement by a majority vote of Faculty Council with the vacancy filled as in Section 6.3.3.

6.4 Officers

6.4.1 Eligibility. All members of the Faculty Council are eligible to serve as officers of the Faculty Council.

6.4.2 Election of Officers. The Faculty Council will annually elect a Chair and a Vice Chair no later than July 31 each year. These Officers will serve one-year terms, and may be re-elected to a consecutive term. The immediate past chair is requested to serve up to an additional year to assist and guide the newly elected chair and vice-chair.

6.5 Meetings. The Faculty Council must meet at least once each regular academic term. Additional meetings may be called as necessary by the Dean, the Chair, or any three members of the Council. Attendance at meetings will be governed by the provisions of SF Divisional Bylaw 31.

6.5.1 Quorum. When acting on Academic Senate business, five Faculty Council members from the Ladder Rank, In Residence and Clinical X series constitute a quorum. When the Faculty Council addresses all other business, five elected members, from any series, constitute a quorum.

6.6 Duties and Powers

6.6.1 Authority. In accordance with Academic Senate Bylaw 50 and SF Bylaw 95, the Faculty of the School of Dentistry delegates to the Faculty Council its authority and responsibility for educational matters within the School, including but not restricted to educational policy, conditions of admission, academic status of students, and recommendation of candidates for degrees (Senate Bylaw 312). Ultimate authority rests with the Faculty Council, but the full Faculty can appeal with a written petition from at least 15 full time Faculty members.

6.6.2 Reporting. The Faculty Council will report to the Faculty all germane actions and policy decisions at least twice each academic year.


7.1 Ad Hoc Committees. Ad Hoc Committees of the Faculty may be authorized by the Faculty Council and their members will be appointed by the Chair, subject to concurrence by the Faculty Council.

7.2 Standing Committees

7.2.1 General Provisions Membership. The Chair of the Faculty Council will consult with the Dean and, with the concurrence of the Faculty Council, appoint the Standing Committees of the Faculty as established by these Bylaws. Members of the Faculty, including elected members of the Faculty Council, are eligible for appointment to Standing Committees. Chairs and Vice Chairs of Standing Committees are appointed by the Chair of Faculty Council. Terms of Office. Members of Standing Committees will serve one-year terms taking effect September 1, and may be reappointed for up to three consecutive one-year terms unless otherwise specified. Subcommittees. Each Standing Committee may appoint, with concurrence of the Faculty Council, such subcommittees as it deems necessary to conduct its business. Reports. Each Standing Committee will present regular oral reports of its activities at Faculty Council and full Faculty meetings. New Committees. New Standing Committees of the Faculty may be authorized by amendment of these Bylaws.

7.2.2 Predoctoral Admissions Committee Membership. The Predoctoral Admissions Committee will consist of 18 members, including a Chair and a Vice Chair. 9 Faculty members, proportional to the distribution of faculty in the School of Dentistry’s departments, 5 dedicated readers and 2 student members. The Dean or his/her designate, the Associate Dean for Education and Director of Admissions will serve as ex-officio non-voting members. Functions

  1. Evaluate the records for all DDS and IDP applicants.
  2. Support the DDS/IDP applicant interview process and recruitment of faculty interviewers.
  3. Report to the Faculty Council the selection of students for DDS, IDP and DDS-PhD programs;
  4. Maintain a continuous record of predoctoral admissions
  5. Review and develop predoctoral admissions policies and procedures, and recommend changes to the Faculty Council. Terms

  1. Faculty members shall be appointed for an initial term of 3 years, renewable for additional years by the Chair of Faculty Council;
  2. Student members will be appointed for a term of 2 years, non-renewable;
  3. Dedicated readers will be hired by the Director of Admissions on an annual basis and approved by the SOD Faculty Council. Their hiring will come with an option to renew for future years based on their performance;
  4. Any member can be asked to step down by the Chair of the DDS Admissions Committee/Chair of Faculty Council.

7.2.3 Educational Policy Committee Membership. The Educational Policy Committee will consist of at least six members, including a Chair and a Vice Chair. At least one member shall serve from each department. The Dean or his/her designate will serve as an ex-officio member. This committee will meet at least three hours per quarter. At least once each year, the committee shall meet with representatives of the student body. Functions

  1. This committee is charged with the continuous study of the long-range plans of the School as related to the profession of dentistry and the education programs leading to the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. This includes but is not limited to a quality improvement process for evaluation of individual DDS core courses and the faculty who lead or direct them.
  2. It will maintain liaison with other long-range educational planning bodies within the School and University, as relevant.
  3. This committee shall review and make recommendations regarding the DDS curricula and subsidiary questions including the initiation or discontinuation of courses of instruction. It will also review alteration to courses when they require a minor or major course form change.
    1. All proposed significant changes to the DDS curricula must be submitted to the Committee for approval.
  4. The Committee shall also consider any matters in the jurisdiction of the Faculty submitted to it by the Faculty, any officer or committee of the Faculty, the Dean, or any Department.
    1. The Committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the Faculty at each regular meeting.
    2. All ubstantive actions of the Committee require approval by the Faculty and must be submitted to the membership of the Faculty in writing at least five days prior to Faculty action.
    3. Approval requires an affirmative vote by the majority of faculty (electronic vote).

7.2.4 Scholarship Committee Membership. The Scholarship Committee will consist of at least five members, including a Chair and Vice-Chair. At least one member shall serve from each department. At least one member should also serve on the predoctoral admissions committee to integrate the work of the scholarship committee and recruitment of new predoctoral students. The Dean or his/her designate and the Associate Dean for Education will serve as ex-officio non-voting members. For incoming DDS students, the Director of Admissions will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. For continuing students, the Director of Student Affairs and Advocacy will serve as an ex-officio non-voting member. Functions

  1. Award predoctoral scholarships and honors, including competitive awards, according to the terms of individual dental programs with the objective to recruit the best students, support students with hardship backgrounds, encourage the continuing students based on their contributions, financial needs, performance reports and recommendations from mentor faculties. Terms

  1. Faculty members shall be appointed for an initial term of 2 years, renewable for additional years by the Faculty Chair;
  2. Any member can be asked to step down by the Chair of the Scholarship Committee/Chair of Faculty Council.

7.2.5 Committee on Academic Planning and Budget Membership. The committee on Academic Planning and Budget shall consist of at least six members with at least one member from each department in the school. All members will have voting privileges and will be at the rank of Associate level or higher. Members of the committee must have at least a 50% appointment. The Vice Chair of the School's Faculty Council and the Dean or his/her designate will serve as ex-officio members. If possible, the School of Dentistry representative to the Academic Senate Divisional Committee on Academic Planning and Budget shall be a member of this committee. This committee shall meet at least quarterly or more frequently as required. Functions

As directed by the Faculty Council, the committee on Academic Planning and Budget shall:

  1. Confer with and advise the Dean and administrative officers on academic planning, budgets, resource allocations, physical planning, and teaching environments affecting the School.
  2. Pursue budget and planning matters as directed by the Faculty Council and advise the Faculty Council of matters which require study and/or action.
  3. Maintain liaison with the Academic Senate Divisional Committee on Academic Planning and Budget.
  4. Maintain liaison with the School of Dentistry Educational Policy Committee.

These Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Faculty by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty present or voted on electronically, provided that written notice of amendment be sent to each member of the Faculty at least five days before the meeting at which the vote is held.

Approved by the Faculty on March 5, 1986. Revised on April 28, 1986; January 23, 1996; May 15, 2013; February 27, 2014; July 20, 2017; and December 11, 2017.


Regulations of the Faculty of the School of Dentistry, UCSF

1. Admissions

1.1 Professional Programs. To be admitted to the School of Dentistry in the DDS program, an applicant must:

  1. Meet School of Dentistry admission requirements to which the applicant is applying.
  2. Meet the Technical Standards of the School of Dentistry, with or without institutionally approved accommodations. These can be found on:
  3. Be evaluated and recommended for acceptance in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Admissions Committee.

1.1.2 Postgraduate Specialty and Residency Programs. To be admitted to a post- graduate specialty or residency program, an applicant must:

  1. Have a professional or graduate degree from an approved institution;
  2. Meet the criteria for admission as established by the program;
  3. Be evaluated and recommended to the Faculty Council by the department in which the training is to be completed;

1.2 Applicants to these programs may concurrently file a separate application to a graduate academic program.

2. Registration

2.1 A student must register and meet the requirements for registration as defined in the Academic Senate regulations (SF 540-544)

3. Degree Requirements and Curricula

3.1 Authority. The faculty will recommend the awarding of degrees in accordance with Academic Senate regulations (SF bylaw 95(D))
3.2 Doctor of Dental Surgery. Candidates for the degree Doctor of Dental Surgery are required to:

  1. Complete and pass all core courses in the dental curriculum with grades of P or H. With the approval of the faculty of the School of Dentistry, part of this work may be taken in some other school or college of the University, or in the Graduate Division, or in another institution of equivalent standing;
  2. Complete and pass all clinical requirements.
  3. Satisfy required standards of professionalism of the School of Dentistry

3.3 Provided that satisfactory clinical competence has been demonstrated, the faculty may approve individual petitions of students to graduate under suspension of the regulations with minor curricular adjustments (SF Bylaw 95C).

4. Classification of Courses

4.1 Graduate professional courses
4.1.1 The second (tens) numeral designates the following:

  1. 0: courses not restricted to a particular year’s class;
  2. 1 through 4: first, second, third, or fourth year students in the dental curriculum;
  3. 8: elective courses;
  4. 9: special individual studies centered on research.

4.2 Graduate Division Courses. Courses, with a 2 in the hundreds digit and offered in programs leading to graduate academic degrees, are authorized by the Graduate Division. These courses may be incorporated in programs offering postgraduate professional degrees.
4.3 Postgraduate professional courses. Courses that are given in postgraduate professional certificate programs within the School of Dentistry have a four in the hundreds digit. Numbering in the tens, ones, and decimal digits should follow the same principles indicated for undergraduate professional and graduate professional courses (4.1.1 through 4.1.2).

5. Program of Study

5.1 Students must complete the curricula of the School of Dentistry as prescribed by the Faculty. Variations for individual students are permitted only with the approval of the Faculty.
5.1.1 A student may repeat no more than one academic year to make up for academic deficiencies [Amended 2/98]
5.2 Any student who requires more than the designated number of terms to complete requirements for the year in which he/she is enrolled must petition the Faculty Council for approval to register. This approval must be obtained before registration in each succeeding term.
5.3 Elective Courses
5.3.1 Elective courses may be included in a student’s program with the approval of the instructor and the Dean or the Dean’s designated representative.
5.4 Graduate Courses
5.4.1 Qualified students may receive credit for graduate academic courses, subject to the approval of the Dean or the Dean’s designated representative.
5.4.2 Professional and postgraduate professional students may work concurrently toward a Master’s Degree or a PhD Degree in the Graduate Division, subject to the approval of the Dean of the School of Dentistry and the Dean of the Graduate Division, or their designated representatives.

6. Credit in Courses

6.1 Unit Credit

6.1.1 The regulations of the School of Dentistry governing unit credit are authorized by SR 760.

6.1.2 Unit credit for clinical courses in the School of Dentistry will be assigned on the basis of course work completed.

6.2 Examinations

6.2.1 Final examinations are required in all lecture and laboratory courses taught in the School of Dentistry except as provided elsewhere in this regulation.

6.2.2 In accordance with general policies established by the Divisional Committee on Courses of Instruction, the faculty of the School of Dentistry may designate courses in which a final examination may be omitted

6.3 Grades

6.3.1 In accordance with the Divisional Regulation on Grades (SFR 775, approved 30 Nov 77) the work of all students in the School of Dentistry will be reported in terms of the following grades: Passing: P (Passed), H (Passed with Honors), A (Excellent), B (Good), C (Fair), D (Poor) [letter grades are used in certain elective courses, and postgraduate professional and graduate courses] Not Passing: NP (not passed), F (Failure) [letter grades are used in certain elective courses and postgraduate professional and graduate courses] In Progress: SP (Satisfactory Progress), UP (Unsatisfactory Progress) [en 7 May 1992] Provisional: I (incomplete), Y (not passing) The awarding of honors is permitted in the dental and international dental pathway core curricula. Honors performance is determined by the course chair. The grade of H (honors) is a passing grade that will be assigned for outstanding achievement. Dental elective courses are not eligible to receive honors grades. [Amended 8/2019]

6.3.2 Grade points per unit are assigned by the Registrar as follows:

A-4, B-3, C-2, D-l, F-O. The grades P, NP, I, and Y are disregarded in computing the grade point average.

6.3.3 The grade P and those grades for which at least 2 grade points per unit are assigned denote satisfactory progress toward a degree. The grade D denotes progress toward a degree but must be offset by grades for which proportionately more than 2 grade points per unit are assigned.

6.3.4 Grades of P and NP The grade of P will be awarded only for work that would otherwise receive a grade of C or better; the grade NP is assigned wherever a grade of D or F would otherwise be given. The grade I may be assigned when a student’s work is of passing quality but is incomplete for good cause. The grade NP must be removed and replaced by a grade of P, in a manner designated by the course instructor and the Student Status Committee, before appropriate credit may be given. GPA’s and rankings are not computed for the dental and international dental students, all final grades are reported as P/NP. H grades may be awarded in the 3rd and 4th year dental and international dental courses. Postgraduate professional students may elect to have up to 25% of their total required units graded P/NP. The Registrar will indicate on the Course Report those students who elected P/NP grades. The instructor will then record each student’s grade accordingly. Units earned on a Passed basis are counted in satisfaction of degree requirements, but are disregarded in determining a student’s grade point average. A student cited for unprofessional behavior or a student who has received two or more Professionalism Evaluation Reports in the same single-quarter or multi-quarter course, may be awarded a NP or UP grade for that course at the discretion of the Course Director, even though the student may have passed examinations based on the course didactic material and/or demonstrated technical or clinical competence. Requirements to clear the NP or UP grade based on such a pattern of unprofessional behavior will be decided on a case-by-case basis with the Dean and Course Director (See also the document entitled: “Professionalism as a Core Competency of the Academic Program of the UCSF School of Dentistry.” A student having an NP or F (in the case of some elective courses and postgraduate courses) grade must petition the Office of the Registrar for removal of the grade during the quarter following successful completion of the course requirements. The NP or F grade will remain on the transcript and the student will not be permitted to graduate until this administrative process is completed.

6.3.5 Grades of SP and UP:

The grades of SP and UP will be used only in courses that extend over one academic quarter. A final passing grade (as described in or not passing grade (as described in will be assigned at the end of the course in the designated terminal quarter. The UP grade indicates that progress to date is not up to the usual standard; however, student performance by the end of the course may achieve the passing standard and be reflected in the terminal grade. The UP grade will be automatically changed to SP if the terminal grade is passing; it will remain on the academic record if the terminal grade is not passing. Grades of SP remain on the academic record in addition to the terminal grade. [7 May 1992]

In addition to the grades noted in SFR 775, the grades SP, H and UP will be used in the curriculum for candidates for the D.D.S. degree.
The awarding of honors is permitted only for 3rd and 4th year courses for the DDS degree. The grade of H is a passing grade that will be assigned for outstanding achievement.
The grade of SP (satisfactory progress) will be used only in courses that extend beyond one academic quarter and have zero units for that quarter.  The grade of SP indicates satisfactory progress. A grade of P, H, I, or NP will be assigned at the end of the course in the designated terminal quarter. Grades of SP remain on the academic record in addition to the terminal grade. [en 7 May 92].
The grade of UP (unsatisfactory progress) will be used only in courses that extend beyond one academic quarter and have zero units for that quarter. The grade of UP indicates that progress to date is not up to the usual standard. UP grades remain on student's transcript until the grade in the designated terminal quarter is recorded and are not changed prior to the conclusion of the course, even if subsequent quarters are graded SP.  A grade of P, H, I, or NP will be assigned at the end of the course in the designated terminal quarter.  All UP grades are converted to SP grades when a final passing grade is achieved.
The grade of IP (in progress) will be used only in courses that extend beyond one academic quarter and have zero units for that quarter. The grade of IP indicates work that is of passing quality but is incomplete for good cause (e.g., medical reasons or other reasons beyond the control of the student). A grade of P, H, I, or NP will be assigned at the end of the course in the designated terminal quarter. All IP grades are converted to SP grades when requirements have been met. [7 July 2018]

6.3.6 Grade of I (incomplete) The grade I is assigned when a student’s work is of passing quality but is incomplete for good cause (SFR 775-E). A student having an I grade must petition the Office of the Registrar for removal of the grade during the quarter following completion of the course requirements. Failure to remove an I grade as required will result in the instructor of record changing the grade to NP or F [Amended 2/98].

6.3.7 Grade of Y (not-passing).

The grade Y is a not-passing provisional grade which may be raised to a D in the manner, and by the time designated by the instructor and the Student Status Committee. A student having a Y grade must petition the Office of the Registrar for removal of the grade during the quarter following completion of the requirement. Failure to remove a Y grade as required will result in the instructor of record changing the grade to F [Amended 2/98]

6.3.8 All grades except I, Y and NP are final when filed by an instructor in the end-of-term course report. However, a clerical or procedural error may be corrected by the supervisor of the course. No term grade except I, Y or NP may be revised by examination. Except as provided in 6.3.8 and 6.4 below, a student may repeat only those courses in which a grade of NP, D, , or F was given. An exception to the rule may be authorized by the Faculty for a student who received the grade of I or Y.

6.3.9 Except as approved by the Dean, no student may repeat more than once a course in which the student has received a grade of NP,D, Y or F.

6.4 When a student is required by the Faculty to repeat a year, a term, or specifically named courses, the units will be counted only once and the more recent grade will be recorded.

7. Academic Status of Students

7.1 Student Status Committees. Student Status Committees will review the academic performance of Students in the School of Dentistry. This includes postgraduate and specialty programs whose accreditation requires that Faculty maintain academic standards. The Student Status Committees will follow their prescribed evaluation procedures and keep Students informed of their academic performance.

  1. Membership. For every academic term in which grades are recorded, a separate committee will be formed of the course directors for each class of Dental and International Dental Students to review the academic performance of that class. In postgraduate specialty and residency programs, Student status is determined by the Program Director in consultation with the Faculty.
  2. Each committee will be composed of course directors for the specific class during that term for the specific year (D1, D2, etc.) and program.
  3. The Chairperson of the Faculty Council, with the concurrence of the Faculty Council, will approve the membership of each committee and will designate one member of the Faculty to chair each of the Student Status Committees (the “Chair”). The Chair will begin with the incoming Students, D1 or ID3, and continue to chair the Student Status Committee for that class until the class graduates. Should the Chair of the Committee not be able to serve the multiple-year term due to changes in circumstances (such as leaving the University, or other personal or extenuating circumstances for example), the Chair of the Faculty Council will appoint a new chair to serve out the remainder of that term.
  4. In addition to the course directors, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Associate Dean for Education, and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will be ex-officio members of the Student Status Committees.

7.1.2 The Chairperson of the Faculty Council may, with concurrence of the Council, appoint other Faculty to specified committees.

7.1.3 Attendance. Course directors are expected to attend all meetings of the Student Status Committee(s) to which they are appointed.

  1. Course directors may appoint an alternate to attend a meeting in their place, provided that the alternate has a Faculty appointment at UCSF and is a member of the teaching staff for the course in question.
  2. If no qualified alternate is available, and if any deficient or provisional grade was assigned, the course director must submit a written report to the Chairperson in advance of any scheduled meetings.

7.1.4 Meetings. All Student Status Committees will meet at least once at the end of each term after grades are assigned, and are expected to meet no later than the second week of the new academic term except in unavoidable circumstances.

7.1.5 Voting. Voting members of the Student Status Committees will consist of the course directors, or their qualified alternates.

  1. Quorum. A quorum will consist of not less than three voting members who are course directors, or their qualified alternates (Faculty teaching in the course that can represent the course director).

7.1.6 Functions. The review of Student academic performance is the responsibility of the Faculty of the School of Dentistry and is administered through the Student Status Committees.

7.2 Performance Review. For each quarter, the Student Status Committees will review the performance of Students whose records indicate any of the following:

  1. NP, UP and not reported grades in the most recent term resulting from inadequate mastery of course content, as described by the course (didactic, laboratory, or clinical) requirements or syllabus;
  2. NP or UP grades resulting from deficiencies in meeting professionalism outcome measures in one or more specific courses, or receiving two or more Professionalism Evaluation Reports indicating unprofessional conduct, as described in the “Professionalism as a Core Competency in the Academic Program of the UCSF School of Dentistry” document available on the School of Dentistry website and in paper copy through the Student Services Office;
  3. NP, UP and not reported grades in prior terms resulting from inadequate mastery of the course content as described by the course requirements or syllabus;
  4. Provisional (I,Y) grades;
  5. Academic Warning, Academic Probation, or repetition of one or more terms;
  6. Initial screening for eligibility for Academic Dismissal.

7.2.1 Student Status Committees will issue the following academic restrictions on Students based upon the outcome of the performance review:

  1. Academic Warning.
    1. A Student who receives 1 to 3 units graded NP or UP based on inadequate mastery of course content or of laboratory or clinical skills, will be placed on Academic Warning. Postgraduate Students who acquire a deficiency of 1 to 6 grade points will be placed on Academic Warning. [Amended 2/98]
    2. A Student who receives, a grade of NP or UP in a 1-3 unit course that is based on his/her receiving 2 or more Professionalism Evaluation Reports during the course, thereby demonstrating a pattern of unprofessional behavior.
    3. A Student who receives two or more Professionalism Evaluation Reports for any reason, even if the Student passes the academic requirements in all courses.
    4. The Student will be required to meet with the Dean and Course Director in order to define the criteria for removing the NP or UP arising from a pattern of unprofessional behavior.
  2. Academic Probation.
    1. A student who receives more than 3 units graded NP or UP or who is on Academic Warning and fails to remove the deficiencies in a timely manner will be placed on Academic Probation. Postgraduate students who acquire a deficiency of 7 or more grade points or a cumulative GPA below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. [Amended 3/09]
    2. A student who receives 2 or more Professionalism Evaluation Reports in a single-quarter course with 4 or more units, or in a multi-quarter course.
    3. A student who fails to engage in remediation for documented unprofessional behavior, or who receives additional Professionalism Evaluation Reports for any reason, will be placed on Academic Probation.
    4. The student will be required to meet with the Dean and the Course Director in order to define the criteria for remediating the unprofessional behavior.
  3. Requirement to Repeat One or More Terms.
    A Student or Resident who (1) has been on Academic Probation for one or more quarters and (2) has not remediated the documented deficiencies may be asked by the Student Status Committee to repeat one or more terms in the academic program.
  4. Appeal of the Requirement to Repeat One or More Terms.
    1. A Student or Resident who is asked to repeat one or more terms may appeal to the Student Status Committee and, upon appeal, will be given an opportunity to present mitigating circumstances and/or documentary evidence of progress supporting continuation in the academic program. The Student or Resident must request an appeal in writing to the Chair of the Student Status Committee within three working days of notice of the requirement to repeat one or more terms. The term “working days” is based on UCSF’s academic and administrative calendar.
    2. The request for appeal will be made by the Student or Resident to the Chair of the Student Status Committee and must include the reason for the appeal. The request may be mailed, emailed, or hand delivered to the Chair within the three working days of the notice to repeat one or more terms.
    3. The Student or Resident will be invited to attend, in person, a portion of the appeal meeting with the Student Status Committee to present information orally and/or in writing for the Committee to consider, and may be expected to respond to questions. The Student may bring someone to the meeting for support but that person will not be allowed to speak, and that person may not be an attorney engaged to represent the student with the appeal.
    4. After the discussion with the Student or Resident and review of written materials, the Student or Resident will be excused from the meeting. The Student Status Committee will continue deliberations and determine if the original decision is to be upheld, or if the Student or Resident will be permitted to continue in the academic program. The decision of the Committee is final and there is no further appeal.
    5. The School’s Associate Dean for Education will notify the Student or Resident of the decision in writing by mail or email, or in person. The decision is final and becomes effective as of the date of the notification.
  5. Changes of Student Status.
    The Student Status Committee shall inform the Faculty Council of changes in the terms of any Student’s Academic Warning, Academic Probation, requirement to repeat a term or terms, or requirement to undergo a review of eligibility for Academic Dismissal.
  6. Notification.
    The Chairperson of the Student Status Committee or designee will notify any Student(s) who is placed on Academic Warning, Academic Probation, who must repeat one or more term(s), or who is identified as eligible for Academic Dismissal from the School of Dentistry, and any consequences of the action, verbally and in writing by mail or email, within three working days of the determination by the Status Committee. This notification shall include information about the review process for any Student determined to be eligible for Academic Dismissal as further described in 7. 2.2.1(a) herein.

7.2.2 Academic Dismissals. With respect to Academic Dismissals, the Student Status Committee performs two functions (Academic Senate Bylaws, Appendix VII, Section 2.0)

a. Step 1. Initial screening for eligibility for Academic Dismissal and eligibility determination, and
b. Step 2. In-depth review of eligibility for Academic Dismissal and determination of Academic Dismissal. (See 7.3In-Depth Review Committee below.) This includes dismissal for academic reasons as described in section and for unprofessional conduct as described in the policy Professionalism as a Core Competency of the Academic Program of the UCSF School of Dentistry (available online and in paper copy through the Office of the Dean of the School of Dentistry.) Determination of Eligibility for Dismissal.
Student Status Committees will determine if a Student who has been on Academic Probation for two or more terms, or who has received 8 or more units graded NP or UP, or a postgraduate Resident who has accumulated a deficiency of 14 or more grade points, or any Student (predoctoral or postgraduate) who is either responsible for an unprofessional action, or who shows a continued pattern of unprofessional behavior, will be [Amended 2/98]:

  1. Identified as Eligible for Dismissal from the School of Dentistry.

A Student who has been identified as eligible for Dismissal will receive formal notice as described in this section that his/her performance does not meet School Standards and that decision will therefore be reviewed by the In-Depth Review Committee for an in-depth review of academic performance and consideration of Dismissal.

The Chair of the In-Depth Review Committee or his or her designee, will send the Student notice in writing and conveyed electronically, or in person. The notice will inform the Student of his/her right to submit information for the In-Depth Review Committee’s consideration. The notice will include the specific reasons for the referral for in-depth review, the rules and procedures governing the In-Depth Review Committee’s deliberations, the Student’s right to review and request a copy of his/her educational record, and the written information that will be provided by the School to the In-Depth Review Committee.

7.3. Non Academic Misconduct is separate from unprofessional conduct as proscribed by Section 7.2 and in the “Professionalism is a Core Competency in the Academic Program of the UCSF School of Dentistry” document available on the School of Dentistry website, and in paper copy through the Student Services Office. Other conduct issues are treated separately and covered under the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS), available online at the Student Academic Affairs website,

7.4 In-Depth Review Committee. The Associate Dean for Education or Residency Program Director (in the case of post graduate residents) shall appoint an In-Depth Review Committee.

  1. Membership. This In-Depth Review Committee shall consist of Faculty members within the School who are knowledgeable about the academic program and Student performance standards. The Student Status Committee members may serve in this role. The In-Depth Review Committee may include one or more Associate Deans as long as they number in minority to the other Committee members present at the review hearing. A quorum of not less than 3 members must be present to conduct the in-depth academic review.
  2. Meetings. The In-Depth Review Committee will be appointed and will meet to review the Student’s entire academic record.

7.5 In-Depth Review And Dismissal Decision. (Academic Senate Bylaws, Appendix VII, 3.0 and 4.0)

7.5.1 Associate Dean for Education, or Residency Program Director, as applicable, will communicate to the Student or Resident the meeting date for the in-depth review, to occur no later than 15 working days after the Student is notified of the action.

7.5.2 The Student or Resident will receive a copy of his/her record of academic performance within 5 working days following notification of eligibility for Dismissal or mandated leave of absence.

7.5.3 The In-Depth Review Committee shall undertake a comprehensive review of the entire academic performance of the Student or Resident.

7.5.4 The Student or Resident may submit additional written information, including information from other individuals, and may address any aspect of his or her academic performance in writing to the Committee. The Student or Resident will submit any such additional information at least 5 working days before the Committee meeting.

7.5.5 The School or Graduate Program will provide the Student or Resident and the In-Depth Review Committee with any additional information provided by the Student or Resident and the School or Graduate Program no later than 5 working days before the Committee meeting.

7.5.6 If further relevant material, such as course or clinical evaluations, becomes available within 5 working days of the meeting, it shall be provided by the School to both the In-Depth Review Committee and the Student or Resident.

7.5.7 The Student or Resident will be invited to attend a portion of the In-Depth Review Committee meeting in order to make a statement and answer questions from the committee members. The Student or Resident may bring another person to the meeting for personal support, but this person and may not speak unless requested to do so by the members of the In-Depth Review Committee and may not be an attorney representing the Student or Resident.

7.5.8 The In-Depth Review Committee will carefully deliberate and review the Student’s or Resident’s entire academic record and/or professional performance. Based on their review, the Review Committee shall make one of the following determinations:

  1. Allow the Student or Resident to continue in the program with specific conditions and a timeline for remediation, and establish dates for review of compliance with those conditions and timeline.
  2. Offer or mandate a leave of absence with specific conditions and timeline for return, and establish dates to review compliance with the conditions and timeline.
  3. Confirm Dismissal.

7.5.9 All decisions require a majority vote of the members present.

7.5.10 The In-Depth Review Committee will prepare a letter that includes an explanation of its finding and decision to the Associate Dean for Education and the Chair of the Student Status Committee, or Graduate Program Director in the case of post graduate Residents.

7.5.11 The Associate Dean for Education will notify the Student or Resident of the decision and its basis in writing and electronically, or in person. A Dismissal becomes effective as of the date of the written notification from the Associate Dean for Education and a dismissed Student or Resident is immediately unenrolled, even if pursuing an Appeal.

7.6 Appeals. (Academic Senate Bylaws, Appendix VII, section 5.0)

7.6.1 There is no appeal of the In-Depth Review Committee decision to continue a Student or Resident. in the program, or mandate a leave of absence, or any conditions or timelines associated with those decisions.

7.6.2 There are two grounds for a Student or Resident to appeal a Dismissal decision to the Dean:

  1. Factual errors in the records that were not identified at the In-Depth Review Committee meeting, if such failure would have changed the In-Depth Review Committee’s decision.
  2. Failure of the In-Depth Review Committee to follow the procedure set forth in this section, if such failure would have changed the In-Depth Review Committee’s decision.

7.6.3 Request for Appeal. A request for appeal must be made in writing to the Dean with 10 working days of the Student being notified of Dismissal. The appeal must specify which of the above two grounds for appeal applies and must set forth specific facts to explain why, with any supporting materials.

7.6.4 The Dean will determine if there are grounds to reconsider the In-Depth Review Committee Dismissal decision within five working days. If there are grounds for reconsideration, the Dean may modify the In-Depth Review Committee’s decision; and will provide the In-Depth Review Committee members with a report of his/her actions and indicate why those actions were taken.

7.6.5 The Dean will notify the Student in writing of his/her decision. The Dean’s decision will be final and will conclude the Grievance and Appeal procedure.

7.7 Withdrawal and Readmission.

7.7.1 Under the provisions of SR 912, a registered Student who Withdraws from the University before the end of the term without authorization certified by the Registrar will receive a grade of NP (or F in the case of each elective course or postgraduate course), in each course in which the Student is enrolled.

7.7.2 A former Student who was on Academic Warning or Academic Probation at the time of Withdrawal may petition the Admissions Committee for Readmission.

7.7.3 Any Student seeking Readmission may be required by the Faculty to repeat part or all of the curriculum, or may be required to go through the admissions process.

Approved by the Faculty 13 December 88; approved by the San Francisco Division 31 May 89. Amended March 19, 2009. Amended January 9, 2015. These regulations may be amended by a majority vote of the Faculty.

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