A Faculty Handbook for Success
Advancement and Promotion at UCSF
The Faculty Handbook for Success, Advancement, and Promotion at UCSF was developed and designed by UCSF Academic Senate. It provides essential information about faculty appointments, advancement and promotion, as well as information about faculty life and campus resources. Whether you are considering joining the UCSF faculty or are already a member, we hope that you will find this information useful in all of your academic endeavors.
- Download the 2023 (revised) Faculty Handbook PDF: A Faculty Handbook for Success
- Download the Faculty Handbook Color Cover: Faculty Handbook Color Cover (for your printed Faculty Handbook)
Contact us: alison.cleaver@ucsf.edu for information.
World Wide Web links:
This edition of the Faculty Handbook for Success, Advancement, and Promotion at UCSF features links to UC, UCSF, and external Web sites which provide additional information or access to referenced documents. As is often the case with online content, links may change from time to time. If you come across an inactive link, please report it to alison.cleaver@ucsf.edu. Please provide as much information as possible about the problem that you encountered, so that our content managers can find it and make corrections.