2001-2002 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award
Distinction In Teaching Awarded to Henry Sanchez, MD
Honorable Mention to Glenn Chertow, MD, Volker Doetsch, PhD & Andrew Goldberg, MD
The Academic Senate is pleased to announce this year’s recipient of the Distinction In Teaching Award.

The recipient of the Academic Senate Distinction In Teaching Award will be honored at the Academic Senate Division Meeting to be held Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 4pm in HSW 300.
Distinction in Teaching
The 2002 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award goes to Henry Sanchez, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Pathology, Department of Pathology.
Award recipient Dr. Henry Sanchez has made outstanding contributions to teaching at UCSF. He has served in multiple teaching roles in the Department of Pathology, including Course Lieutenant/Deputy Director for the second-year medical student pathology course, Director of the Pathology Course for the dental, dental hygiene, pharmacy, and physical therapy students. He has won teaching awards from the students in the Schools of Dentistry and Pharmacy and has been awarded a position in the UCSF Academy of Medical Educators. . In addition to these responsibilities, he takes the time to actively engage in outreach at all levels, from elementary school through high school and beyond.
Dr. Sanchez is especially noted for his dedication to students and teaching and is regarded as both inspirational and committed. He has often been seen spending hours discussing problem areas with individual students, and students consistently noted his open door, his patience in discussing varied issues, and his supportive and thoughtful advice. Students also lauded the accessibility of his course materials and the high quality of his lectures. Perhaps the best summary comes from one of his students: "In sum, Dr. Sanchez, is one of the most amazing people that anyone could have the honor of knowing. I feel privileged to have been his student and to have developed a lasting friendship."
In addition, the Academic Senate is pleased to announce that Glenn Chertow, MD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, Volker Doetsch, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Andrew Goldberg, MD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, have each received an Honorable Mention.
Date/Location: Academic Senate Division Meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 4pm in HSW 300.
Dr. Sanchez and recipients of honorable mentions will be honored by the Chancellor at the Founder’s Day Banquet on Thursday, April 25, 2002.
To select each year’s recipient the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel designates a selection committee comprised of faculty and student representatives from all four schools. Student representatives are assigned by Associate Deans from each of the respective Schools. This award honors teaching efforts with both students and residents.