2002-2003 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Awards
Distinction In Teaching Awarded to Igor Mitrovic, MD, Susan B. Masters, PhD & Melvin M. Scheinman, MD
Honorable Mention to Margo Vener, MD, MPH & Ellen M. Scarr, RNC, MSN, FNP, WHNP
The Academic Senate is pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the Distinction In Teaching Awards.

Recipients of the Academic Senate Distinction In Teaching Awards will be honored at the Academic Senate Division Meeting to be held Thursday, June 19, 2003 at 4 p.m. in N-225.
Distinction in Teaching
Category 1 (UCSF Faculty Less Than 5 Years): The 2003 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF five years or fewer goes to Igor Mitrovic, MD, Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Physiology and Stomatology.
Igor Mitrovic, MD
Dr. Mitrovic has made substantial contributions to the new curriculum in the Medical School, and is known as a wonderful mentor of students as well. Dr. Mitrovic also has substantial teaching responsibilities in the School of Dentistry, and has received the School of Dentistry award for excellence in teaching from the class of 2004 and the class of 2005.
Category 2 (UCSF Faculty More Than 5 Years): The 2003 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF more than five years goes to Susan B. Masters, PhD, Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, and Melvin M. Scheinman, MD, Professor in the Department of Medicine and recipient of the Walter H. Shorenstein Endowed Chair in Cardiology.
Susan B. Masters, PhD
Dr. Masters directs all of the professional teaching operations in her Department, and was one of the principle architects of the highly successful new curriculum in the School of Medicine. Dr. Masters is a master teacher of students and a teacher of teachers, and has a remarkable ability to encourage and teach students and lecturers alike to strive for their best. Since 1996, Dr. Masters has won or been nominated for 19 teaching awards, and last year was honored as a charter member of the School of Medicine Academy of Medical Educators.
Melvin M. Scheinman, MD
Dr. Melvin M. Scheinman has exerted a profound influence on cardiac teaching at local, national and international levels. He is the first person to have performed catheter ablation in human beings, and is considered a pioneer in the field of electrophysiology. In addition, his work helped to establish the use of a treatment that has become the routine of care today. Dr. Scheinman’s effectiveness as a teacher has been recognized many times over the years. He won the Cardiology Faculty Teaching Award twice in the last four years, and is an American Heart Association teaching scholar awardee.
In addition, the Academic Senate is pleased to announce that Margo Vener, MD, MPH, Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, received an Honorable Mention for Category 1 and that Ellen M. Scarr, RNC, MSN, FNP, WHNP, Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Health Care Nursing, received an Honorable Mention for Category 2.
Date/Location: Academic Senate Division Meeting on Thursday, June 19, 2003 at 4 p.m. in N-225.
Dr. Mitrovic, Dr. Masters, Dr. Scheinman and recipients of Honorable Mentions will be honored by the Chancellor at the Founder’s Day Banquet on Wednesday, April 23, 2003.
To select each year’s recipients the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel designates a selection committee comprised of faculty and student representatives from all four schools. Student representatives are assigned by Associate Deans from each of the respective Schools. This award honors teaching efforts with both students and residents.