2024 Distinguished Service Award
Awarded to Lindsay Hampson, MD, MA

The Academic Senate is pleased to announce the selection of Lindsay Hampson, MD, MAS as recipient of the 2024 UCSF Academic Senate Distinguished Service Award for her work as the Chair of the Committee on Faculty Welfare, Chair of the COVID Faculty Support Committee, Vice Chair of the Clinical Affairs Committee, and being a member of the Senate’s Affiliations Task Force. Also, for your work as the Senate representative on the UCSF Academic Senate Equitable Recovery Task Force, The UCSF Committee on Family Services, the systemwide Committee on Faculty Welfare, the UCSF Senate Executive Council, and as alternate member on the UC Systemwide Assembly of the Academic Senate. Her volume of service alone distinguishes her from her peers.
Dr. Hampson’s creative partnership of the COVID Faculty Support Committee with leaders across UCSF to advocate for important long-term institutional changes has benefited faculty during this post COVID recovery period. The final product of her collaborations and meetings with administration leaders and high-level campus leaders is a to be released comprehensive report outlining UCSF’s progress towards mitigating COVID-19 impacts on faculty and providing recommendations to leadership, with some already being implemented as a result of the committee’s work.
Her contributions to shared governance will be lasting and impactful and have demonstrated her ability to bring together diverse collaborators in support of the faculty. Her continue to be a role model for members of the Academic Senate and this small award is our way of thanking her for all that she has done.
This award is given out to one member of the UCSF Senate faculty who demonstrated outstanding and creative services with a lasting and significant impact on the excellence of shared governance at UCSF, exceptional abilities in collaborating with the university’s many diverse stakeholders, and a sustained excellence and promise in serving the UCSF Academic Senate. This award carries a small honorarium of $1,500 from the UCSF Academic Senate’s Chancellors Fund and eligibility for a one-year advancement. This award is presented at the last Division meeting of the academic year as recognition of service to the UCSF academic community. Click here for more information about the nomination process.