2005-2006 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Awards

Distinction In Teaching Awarded to Marieke Kruidering-Hall, PhD & Michael McMaster, PhD

The Academic Senate is pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the Distinction In Teaching Awards.

2005-2006 Distinguished Faculty Awards Recipients

Recipients of the Academic Senate Distinction In Teaching Awards will be honored at the Academic Senate Distinction In Teaching Awards Ceremony to be held Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 12:00 noon in Cole Hall.

Distinction in Teaching

Category 1 (UCSF Faculty Less Than 5 Years): The 2006 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF five years or fewer goes to Marieke Kruidering-Hall, PhD, Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cellular & Molecular Pharmacology.

Marieke Kruidering-Hall was born in the Netherlands. She did her undergraduate training in Biopharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden University, where she also did her graduate training in Cellular Toxicology. The focus of her PhD was mechanisms of cisplatin-induced cell death. She joined Dr. Gerard Evan’s lab at the IRCF Cancer Center in London to study c myc-induced apoptosis, and continued her postdoctoral studies in this field with him at the UCSF Cancer Center. She participated in the UCSF Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship Program (PTF) in the spring of 2002, facilitating small groups for first-year medical students. She joined the faculty of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology in the fall of 2002. Her position at UCSF is dedicated full time to teaching and facilitation of teaching Pharmacology to students in the Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry. She teaches and directs courses in all three schools. In addition, together with her colleagues, Dr. Fulton and Dr. Hyland from the Department of Biochemistry, she directs the PTF program and is active in educational research.

Category 2 (UCSF Faculty More Than 5 Years): The 2006 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF more than five years goes to Michael McMaster, PhD, Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cell and Tissue Biology.

Michael McMaster is an Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cell and Tissue Biology. He currently directs the biomedical sciences stream in the School of Dentistry predoctoral curriculum and serves as course director for 3 of the 5 integrated “megacourses” that cover the basic sciences in the first year and a half of Dental School. Dr. McMaster is a developmental and reproductive biologist who joined the UCSF faculty in 1994. His primary research interests are focused on the developmental biology of the human fetal-maternal interface. His stated research goal is to translate understanding of the basic biology of the placenta and the physiology of the fetal-maternal interface into improvements in the prediction, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect pregnant women and their fetuses. In particular, he studies the three most common diseases of pregnancy–preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction and premature birth. He is part of a large, international study designed to identify biomarkers that will allow the prediction and diagnosis of these conditions in the blood of pregnant women and will spend next year in Auckland, New Zealand working on the project.

Date/Location: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 12:00 noon in Cole Hall. A light lunch and refreshments will be served.
The recipients will be honored by the Chancellor at the Founder’s Day Banquet on Thursday, April 27th,  7:00 pm at the Ritz-Carlton.

To select each year’s recipients the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel designates a selection committee comprised of faculty and student representatives from all four schools. Student representatives are assigned by Associate Deans from each of the respective Schools. This award honors teaching efforts with both students and residents.


Distinction in Teaching Past Recipients
Distinction in Mentoring Past Recipients
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