XII. Affiliation Agreements

UCSF may enter into affiliation agreements when it has been determined that the benefits and contributions of such affiliations substantially enrich and expand the teaching, research, clinical care, or public service programs of the campus. Affiliated institutions must be committed to excellence and demonstrate a record of achievement in their field. Agreements must articulate the commitments and responsibilities of each institution and specify terms for reimbursement for all services provided by UCSF to an affiliated institution.

This policy establishes guidelines and responsibilities for entering into affiliation agreements between UCSF and other institutions or hospitals.

Domestic Training Affiliation Agreements

Domestic training affiliation agreements are initiated by a department or school, which is responsible for drafting a written proposal and submitting it to the appropriate Dean for review and approval prior to negotiating an agreement with a proposed domestic affiliate. Approval from the department chair is required for all proposed domestic training affiliation agreements prior to submission to the appropriate Dean’s office. The Dean of each school has been re-delegated authority by the Chancellor to enter into domestic training affiliation agreements. Agreements must adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Agreements must clearly articulate the expectations, responsibilities, and liabilities of each entity for research, teaching, public service, and patient care activities. Affiliates must expressly agree to cover the full cost of services provided by UCSF, either through the reimbursement of indirect costs or by payment for specific services provided. All agreements must conform to all University policies and requirements including, but not limited to, those related to intellectual property (i.e., patents, licenses, copyright, etc.), publications, insurance, indemnification, personnel, and use of the University name.
  2. The originating department or school is responsible for obtaining required reviews and approvals, negotiating, and administering training affiliation agreements with domestic institutions.
  3. Standardized templates approved by the Campus Counsel are to be used unless a request for exception is approved prior to execution by the Campus Counsel.
  4. UCSF reserves the right to audit any and all records of affiliates consistent with applicable laws and University policies.

Foreign and International Training Affiliation Agreements

Foreign or International Training Affiliation Agreements are initiated by a department, school, or Chancellor’s program or unit, which is responsible for drafting a written proposal and obtaining any necessary approvals. Departments are responsible for submitting proposed agreements to the appropriate Dean for review and approval before submission to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor. Individual departments developing proposals for foreign or international training affiliation agreements must notify the appropriate Dean within each school early in the development process. In addition, consultation with UCSF Global Health Sciences prior to submission of a proposal to the Executive Vice Chancellor is recommended. Approval by the department chair and the appropriate Dean is required for all proposed foreign or international training affiliation agreements submitted by a department or school to the Executive Vice Chancellor. However, agreements initiated by a Chancellor’s program or unit will be submitted directly to the Executive Vice Chancellor. The Executive Vice Chancellor has been re-delegated authority by the Chancellor to enter into foreign or international training affiliation agreements. Agreements must adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Foreign or international training affiliation agreements will be evaluated through the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor by an appropriate standing committee of the UCSF Global Health Sciences to assess proposals for potential contributions of academic merit and benefit to the University. The Senior Vice Chancellor – Finance and Administration will review and evaluate the proposed agreement as to business, financial, and legal matters.
  2. Agreements must clearly articulate the expectations, responsibilities, and liabilities of each entity for research, teaching, public service, and patient care activities. Affiliates must expressly agree to cover the full cost of services provided by UCSF, either through the reimbursement of indirect costs or by payment for specific services provided. All agreements must conform to all University policies and requirements, including but not limited to those related to intellectual property (i.e., patents, licenses, copyright, etc.), publications, insurance, indemnification, personnel, and use of the University name.
  3. UCSF reserves the right to audit any and all records of affiliates consistent with applicable laws and University policies.

Institutional Affiliation Agreements

Institutional Affiliation Agreements are initiated by a department or school, which is responsible for drafting a written proposal and submitting it to the appropriate Dean for review and approval before submission to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor. Individual departments developing proposals for institutional affiliation agreements must notify the appropriate Dean within each school early in the development process. Approval by the department chair and the appropriate Dean is required for all proposed institutional affiliation agreements. The Executive Vice Chancellor is responsible for negotiating and administering all institutional affiliation agreements. Agreements must adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Institutional affiliation agreements will be evaluated by an ad hoc committee comprising members of the Academic Senate, as recommended by the Academic Senate Committee on Committees and appointed by the Executive Vice Chancellor, to assess proposals for potential contributions of academic merit and benefit to the University. The Senior Vice Chancellor – Finance and Administration will review and evaluate proposed agreements as to business, financial, and legal matters.
  2. Agreements must clearly articulate the expectations, responsibilities, and liabilities of each entity for research, teaching, and patient care activities. Affiliates must expressly agree to cover the full cost of services provided by UCSF, either through the reimbursement of indirect costs or by payment for specific services provided. Agreements must specify service level commitments and method of reimbursement. All agreements must conform to all University policies and requirements, including but not limited to those related to intellectual property (i.e., patents, licenses, copyright, etc.), publications, insurance, indemnification, personnel, and use of the University name.
  3. All Institutional Affiliation Agreements shall include language requiring formal, periodic reviews at no more than five-year intervals.
  4. UCSF reserves the right to audit any and all records of affiliates consistent with applicable law and University policies.


The appropriate Vice Chancellor, Dean, or Dean's designate, is responsible for ensuring that UCSF faculty and staff comply with the terms of affiliation agreements.

Approval authority is delegated as follows.

  1. Authority to enter into domestic academic training agreements is delegated to the Deans.
  2. Authority to enter into foreign or international training affiliation agreements is delegated to the Executive Vice Chancellor.
  3. Authority to enter into institutional affiliation agreements is delegated to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Senior Vice Chancellor – Finance and Administration. Institutional affiliation agreements may require additional review and approval by units including, but not limited to, the UC General Counsel and the Office of the President. These approvals will be sought by the Executive Vice Chancellor.
  4. Agreements involving lease, rental, or commitments of space must be approved by the Office of Real Estate Services. Agreements that include services provided by campus units must be approved by the Dean or Vice Chancellor responsible for the units providing services.
  5. Agreements that require the provision of services or activities at the UCSF Medical Center must be approved by the Medical Center Chief Executive Officer or designee(s).

Schools shall submit annual reports of all domestic training affiliation agreements executed in accordance with their delegated authority to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor by June 30 of each fiscal year.

The Executive Vice Chancellor shall oversee the completion of a comprehensive review of all Affiliation Agreement elements (i.e., academic program, administration and finance) at a minimum of every five years.

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