I. Campus Five-Year Planning Perspectives for Academic Programs and Academic Units

The Five-Year Planning Perspectives, which each campus submits annually to UCOP, serve several purposes. They provide each campus with information that should be useful in its long-range planning. Analyses of the Perspectives from all UC campuses provide an opportunity to promote the coordination, synergy, and specialization possible when UC operates as a system of interrelated campuses. The preliminary picture that the Perspectives provide is especially useful because intercampus communication and systemwide perspectives are most valuable early in the campus process of developing any proposal. Additionally, the UCOP uses the Perspectives to provide planning information upon request to state officials or agency staff (e.g., the Governor, Department of Finance, or Legislative Analysts).

The requirements and timeline for including anticipated actions in the Perspectives are as follows:

  1. For all anticipated actions involving the creation, transfer, consolidation, disestablishment, or discontinuance of an undergraduate or graduate degree program, ORU, or MRU, a concise 1- to 2-page description of the proposed action is required and should be submitted one year prior to the proposal being reviewed on campus. Note that while actions involving ORUs are not subject to systemwide review, they still should be included in the Perspectives.
  2. For all anticipated actions involving the creation, transfer, consolidation, disestablishment, or discontinuance of a school or college, the description should be 2-5 pages and should be submitted two years prior to the proposal being reviewed on campus.
  3. If a description for a proposed action was not previously submitted to the Perspectives, then it should be sent to the UCOP as soon as the action becomes public on the campus.

The following information should be included in the descriptions of anticipated actions in the Perspectives:

  1. Campus(es) involved.
  2. Name of the program and any specific degree titles, if applicable.
  3. Anticipated action and description, including why the action is worthwhile, how it contributes to the campus’ mission, and what is to be created, changed, transferred, or discontinued. For schools and colleges, the description should include the academic degree programs, academic units, and/or research units that the school or college has or will have.
  4. Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission, including existing campus degree programs, academic units, and/or research units that are similar to those involved in the anticipated action and information on whether they will be created, changed, or edited.
  5. Resources
    1. For creation actions, information on the necessary new faculty, staff, courses, and facilities should be provided.
    2. For transfer, consolidation, discontinuance or disestablishment (TCDD) actions, the current resources of the program or unit and the resources that are freed up by the action should be provided.
  6. Funding
    1. For creation actions, the anticipated funding sources and strategies for the program or unit should be provided.
    2. For TCDD actions, the current funding sources for the program or unit should be described.
  7. Students
    1. For all actions, the estimated number of graduate students involved upon implementation and in steady state should be listed
    2. For TCCD actions, the arrangements that are being made for current students to complete their degree programs should be described.
  8. Employment Implications
    1. For creations of graduate degree programs, the likely employment opportunities for students upon completion of the degree program should be provided.
    2. For all other anticipated actions, any implications for employment of students after graduation should be included.
  9. UC Campuses and Other California Institutions with Similar Offerings, including any academic programs, academic units, or research units within other UC campuses and California institutions that are similar to those for which a creation or TCDD action is anticipated.
  10. Anticipated Dates for Campus Review and Implementation of Action
  11. Campus Contact Person
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