Executive Council November 2016 Question of the Month


In recent times, Federal funding of faculty salaries was limited to 95%; 5% was mandated to come from non-Federal sources. One aspect of this requirement was that it provided a segment of support that could be applied to activities unrelated to a Federally-funded project, such as teaching, service, and writing new grant applications.

The limit on the proportion of faculty salary that can be supported by Federal funds has been lifted, and our Provost has asked the Senate to weigh in on whether UCSF should maintain a requirement of 5% non-Federal salary support, or eliminate this requirement.

For faculty who have been responsible for finding a non-Federal source of support, lifting the requirement may have advantages. For others, who believe that support provided for teaching, clinical work and/or university service is insufficient, elimination of the requirement for non-Federal support may be problematic.

What are your thoughts on the issue of eliminating or maintaining the requirement for at least 5% non-Federal salary support?


Answer of the Month
Academic Senate Podcast