Survey Results

On February 26, the Assembly of the Academic Senate provided a copy of the Regents' Proposed RE-89, Adoption of Policy Restricting University Acceptance of Funding from the Tobacco Industry for review and comment. The Executive Committee of the UCSF Academic Senate decided that the response from the Division should be based on a vote of the Senate, Clinical and Adjunct faculty. During the period beginning March 21 through April 11, 2007, the San Francisco Division conducted an electronic survey of the Senate, Clinical and Adjunct faculty (discussion and town hall materials are listed on this page). The results of each vote are as follows:
Shall UCSF recommend to the Assembly of the Academic Senate that the UC Regents adopt the following policy (RE-89)?
Senate Faculty Response
59% (228 votes)
38% (146 votes)
3% (13 votes)
The survey was sent to 1,072 individuals, 387 responded (36% response rate).
Clinical Faculty Response
72% (97 votes)
23% (31 votes)
5% (7 votes)
The survey was sent to 571 individuals, 135 responded (24% response rate).
Adjunct Faculty Response
72% (86 votes)
24% (29 votes)
3% (4 votes)
The survey was sent to 334 individuals, 119 responded (36% response rate).
Combined Results from the Senate, Clinical and Adjunct Faculty Responses
64% (411 votes)
31% (206 votes)
4% (24 votes)
The survey was sent to 1,977 individuals (in total), 641 responded (32% response rate).
March 2007
Last Webpage Update: 9/9/15

University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143, (415) 476-9000
The Regents of the University of California