Oral Neuromuscular Function

Proposed Schedule

Part I Sensory Systems of the Head and Neck

Oral mucosa: Taste, Temperature, Pressure, Pain
Muscle: Tension, Length, Pain
Temporomandibular Joint: Opening, length, pressure, pain, temperature
Complex and integrated sensory perception: texture, shape

Part II Imaging the Head and Neck

Temporomandibular joint imaging approaches: full head x-rays, corrected tomograms, magnetic resonance, computed tomography
New techniques in 3-D reconstruction of craniomandibular coordinates:
Applying Sculptor to combine multiple imaging techniques
Movement patterns of the bilateral condyles: rapid MRI, ultra-fast CT, combining mechanical tracking systems suing multiple points with 3-D reconstructed craniomandibular skeletons

Part III Forces Applied within the Craniomandibular Region

Bite forces measured on single teeth with and without bite direction
Multiple tooth bite measures and present problems in obtaining
Projecting forces to condyles: computer programs and approaches to determine forces on condyles
Relating multiple bilateral jaw muscles to forces developed within the mandible, on the condyle, and on the zygomatic arch

Part IV Muscles of the Jaw and Face

Facial muscles: their relevance to attitude and "reading" your patient
Lip muscles: Forces on the dentition
Jaw muscles:
jaw-closing muscles as multipennate muscles: compartmentalization of function for jaw resting posture, speech and chewing
Jaw opening muscles: dual function with the jaw and hyoid bone
Recruitment patterns: coactivation to load and move mandible
Tongue: multiple tasks with intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
Coordination of control of tongue with jaw
Relevance of posterior tongue to respiration and pharynx

Part V Feeding, Chewing, Swallowing

Feeding: integration chewing into the broader concept of incising, transporting, chewing and swallowing
Swallowing: the oral phase, then pharyngeal and esophageal
Chewing: Central and peripheral controls
How muscles are recruited
Importance of sensory feedback

Part VI Pathophysiology

Condyle and temporomandibular joint: Concepts of how shape changes can occur
Examples of changes in condylar shape: potential factors inducing
Jaw Muscles: mechanisms that induce pain within the belly and tendon
Tendon pain
Muscle pain
Inflammation and mechanisms of acute muscle pain
Distinguishing myofascial pain from fibromyalia pain
Altered taste sensations and feeding effects
Occlusion and chewing abnormalities
Chewing in hemimandibulectomy patients
Last Webpage Update: 6/27/13

University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143, (415) 476-9000
The Regents of the University of California